A Conversation for h2g2 University Project: Forgotten Heroines

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 21

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I have already removed it from PR and offered it to you at the Uni project, MJ.

This isn't for a Uni badge myself, as I already have one, for my Ancient Egypt project, it's been on my space sincesmiley - erm2001 if I recall.

All I want to know is, will the Edith Cavell entry be edited as normal, and will it count towards my solo edited entries?

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 22


Indeedy doo-dah smiley - winkeye Everything will stand as is. It will look and feel just like any other of your own EG Entries, just be part of the Uni Project and share FrontPage with some of the other Forgotten Heroines when the Project is highlighted. As far as I can make out. Although watch those goal-posts, they're prone to moving! smiley - biggrin

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 23

Smij - Formerly Jimster

This is insane. It was already heading Edited Guideward. What possible benefit does taking it out of PR serve? As the entry will have to be resubmitted to PR as part of the project anyway, this is just plain daft.

And you've already outlined the remit of your project, MJ. You shouldn't keep adding entries to it once you've submitted it to a faculty. Otherwise, how can we possibly know when you're nearly finished?

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 24


hmm, I guess I need to respond.

1. How was this Entry already headed Edited Guide way? It hasn't been recommended by a Scout, nor had it been in PR for the recommended 7 day period before a SUGGESTION was made by a Peer Reviewer to PERHAPS move it to a Uni Project. As you should be all too aware, some Entries arrive in PR never to go into the Edited Guide. What benefit does taking it out of PR serve? To add it to an appropriate Uni Project that the author wanted to be a part of. GB responded in plenty of time before even a whiff of a Scout arrived. Whether it goes through PR the normal way, or through PR from a Project perspective doesn't matter. It still goes through.

2. I didn't add this Entry to the Project myself Jim, the author and the allocated Sub-Editor chose to do so after consulting each other.

3. I believe the outline of the Project states a date in which the Project will be finished. Today as I believe - (1/11/2005). But that was just provisional. As I have had limited computer access and have only just been able to get online, I will probably extend that period until the end of this week to let other Researchers finish their Entries. So perhaps you can expect a message from me about the completed Project around the 7th of November.

4. However, I'm getting frustrated with the hurdles, so perhaps it is best for all involved to simply run their Entries through PR as normal. So instead of one bulk package from a Project perspective, already Sub-Edited, PR will be have an influx of up to 10 Entries that will all need individual Scout Picks, Sub-Editor allocation and final FP approval. You tell me what's more work.

5. I for one don't appreciate the attitude regarding so-called 'poaching', and I don't like the way that a fellow Researcher was aggressively accused of something that altogether was innocent and indeed an attempt at being helpful. In fact, Jim, if you have issues regarding the entire Project then you can email me offsite. I like to do things for h2g2, but am rapidly being put off.


A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 25

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

As far as I can recall, the Uni project entries, once completed, weren't then submitted to Peer Review, but edited by the sub-ed attached to the Uni project.

Has this changed, Jimster?

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 26

Smij - Formerly Jimster

I'm sorry if this came across badly, MJ / GB, but it's made me realise just how much more clarification we need to make about the Uni process. We're lucky that this happened with Galaxy Babe, who is an experienced Peer Reviewer, but even here there's been a lot of confusion. What if this had been a newbie? smiley - wahsmiley - winkeye

As GB has already removed this entry twice, we might as well push this through as a project. Bearing in mind that once the project is completed and subbed, it still has to spend a minimum of one week in PR (the Project co-ordinator submits the project page, rather than all the entries) so that it can be seen by any interested parties who are not subscribed to all the Faculty pages. If any one entry still needs a lot of work for it to pass, the project will be batted back to the faculties page. The inclusion of a minimum time in PR was a specific new addition to the Uni process that came from suggestions from the Community to prevent a project from getting into the Guide without *some* kind of review process. It also takes into account the fact that we have a much smaller team now than we did the last time the University was going. Even then, projects took a long time to get approved, and so this time we are making sure that all the Ts are crossed and the Is dotted before we even touch a project.

smiley - cake

Perhaps it would be helpful to clarify on the Uni page that so long as you have the core five entries *that have been written specifically for the project*, you can add supplemental entries that are already in the process or in the Edited Guide without them having to go throgh the same process. That doesn't limit a project to only five entries, but for a project like this, where it could conceivably go on indefinitely, it encourages the co-ordinator to focus the research from the start.

smiley - cake

This will most probably be the first project to come through the new University, which is why I just want it to run without additional complications so that we can then point to it as an example of how to run a project. I pushed hard for us to re-open the Uni precisely because I felt it would benefit Researchers like yourselves; it would be a shame if my angst alienated the very people I'm trying to benefit here.

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 27

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I don't mind being the guinea-pig at allsmiley - winkeye

However, I must correct you here, I have only entered the Edith Cavell entry A5689119 to PR once, and removed it once, I don't know how you think it's happened twice, Jimster.smiley - erm

And EMR was the first to comment on my entry, as MJ has already stated, I wasn't offended by the request and I didn't mind at all, the suggestion to join the Uni project.

By all means iron out all the creases, using this entry/me/this experience/ for the Uni project and the good of h2g2.

We don't need any more hassle or aggro atm, I'm still smarting over EV leaving h2g2smiley - bruised

smiley - flyhi

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 28

Smij - Formerly Jimster

What the...

Where's the other thread gone to?

i don't believe it. When I looked at my page last night (while off work sick, unfortunately), there were two separate conversation headings, both called Edith Cavell.

MJ / GB, I an very, very sorry and embarrassed here. I was certain that GB was getting pulled form pillar to post and didn't want her messed about any. Seems my concern was both misplaced and unnecessary.

smiley - sigh

So... you're helping MJ out with the project, eh? Fantastic! smiley - blush

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 29

Trin Tragula

I think there are three now, this one (obviously), this one

275?thread=2755/thread/1333159" >F615?thread=1333159&latest=1

... and this one

303?thread=303327234" >F2596867?thread=1327234&latest=1

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 30

Smij - Formerly Jimster

... and I'm subscribed to the Uni project pages too...

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 31


So we all cool here now??!! smiley - laugh

(must admit I was mighty confused!)

Jim, if the Forgotten Heroines Project is intended to be a benchmark, give me feedback on my PS on anything concerning how the Uni Projects are to work. I'll sort out the Project Page and Entries so everything runs smoothly. smiley - smiley Communicate as much as you can over at the Project Page A5841498 if you want, my carrier pigeons seem to have caught a little sniffle smiley - winkeye

(and go to the doctor before your toes curl!)


A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 32


I'm fascinated about this idea of GB as guinea-pig.

* leaves small pile of sunflower seeds for her to nibble on *

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 33


Well, I'M not cleaning out her cage. ick. Plus I hear she bites.

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 34

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Well, not on the first date.smiley - winkeye

smiley - blush

Oh how wonderful, a made-up thread, with everyone all nice and fluffy.smiley - biggrin

GreyDesk offering me sunflowers seeds, (I'd rather have peeled grapes)smiley - bigeyes

And poor Jimster joining the Headbangers, smiley - injuredsmiley - headhurts

smiley - flyhiGBsmiley - angelsmiley - nurse

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 35


*big sigh*

So everything's all sorted out then? I feel ever so much better.

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 36


Yes, the lovely fluffy world of h2g2 has restored its natural equilibrium after a few days that will go down in legend as "The Days of Meh!". ;-D


A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 37


smiley - laugh

I blame tomato 'flu. smiley - tomato

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 38

McKay The Disorganised

OK - so I started by reading the entry - not this thread - so can I say that firstly I wouldn't call Edith Cavell forgotten and secondly that she was born in the village of Swardeston, where her father was rector, and the entire village today still bears many momentos of her - not least the stained glass window dedicated to her in the church - probably the East window - (there's some sort of ruling about this in ecclesiastical statutes, but I can't remember it.)

Having read the thread (now) can I also say that an project made up of about 14 entries would take a lot of reading - I would suggest that it would work better for the individual entries to go through PR and then link them with a combined front page.

smiley - cider

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 39


As it stands the Project has 8 definite Entries with a possibility of it being a full 10. By going through PR it is just really to act as secondary subbing and double checking as all will have been Sub-Edited pripor to entering PR by the allocated Sub-Editor. smiley - smiley

But I'm still a little unsure of how this is all going to work. I'll let Jim sort out the bugs and iron the creases smiley - winkeye

*boils some water*

A5689119 - Edith Cavell - Nurse and WWI Martyr (1865 - 1915)

Post 40


If that is, the allocated Sub-editor ever gets her act together... sorry about the constant delays, MJ.

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