A Conversation for Big Bandwagon -The Kitchen
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Dessert - Wafers part two
cafram - in the states. Posted Jul 31, 2001
Right. Wafers.
*gets out choc wafer mix from the fridge, reheats it so it goes all mushy and gooey again*
*adds some more rum*
*spreads gooey yummyiness between wafers, sticks them on the tray to go back in the fridge*
mmm....*licks fingers*...rum...bliss...
Dessert - Pav part two
cafram - in the states. Posted Jul 31, 2001
*washes hands*
Now the Pav.
*rubs hands together like she means business*
*chops up the kiwi fruit, strawberries, bananas, separates the mandarin*
*whips the cream until it's really thick and creamy*
*grates some chocolate*
*gets the Pav out*
Wow...I'm so surprised it turned out so well...the magic of BB, I guess!!
*spreads the whipped cream evenly over the perfectly-shaped Pavlova*
*spread the fruit artisticly over half of the pavlova, making smiley faces and other 'interesting' shapes*
Those wafers should be just about set by now...*checks*
*chops the delicious creamy chocolatey wafers into triangle shapes*
*spreads them evenly over the scrumtiuosly large second half of the Pav*
*sprinkles grated chocolate over the top*
*drizzles a small amount of golden syrup over the whole thing*
Wonderful. I don't think I've ever created anything this beautiful. I'll just stick it in the fridge, and then when it's ready we can either warm up the chocolate sauce, or have it cold...the ice-cream's in the freezer, the Port is all ready...I think I'm done!!
Dessert - Pav part two
Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest Posted Jul 31, 2001
Come and join us Caf *comes a voice from the Garden*
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Dessert - Wafers part two
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