A Conversation for Big Bandwagon -The Kitchen
Carpaccio of veal with tuna
Don Alfredo Started conversation Jul 30, 2001
~first puts the rose in the fridge~
~starts rubbing in the veal with mustard. Chops the herbs and rolls the meat trough the herbs.~
~puts a frying pan on the stove and does some olive oil in it. After a minute fries the veal in the frying pan.~
~after 5 minutes, when the veal is done, takes the panfrom the oven.~
~binds up the veal and puts it in the freezer to cool down.~
~Takes the tunafish and makes it fine with the kitchenmachine~
~Mixes the tunafish with the mayonaise, pepper and salt.~
~makes the whipped cream half stiff and mixes it with the tunafish.~
~get's the lettuce and washes it, then ripps the lettuce in pieces leaving the leaves intact.~
~takes 5 plates and spreads the lettuce leaves over them. Adds the tunafishsause over the lettuce.~
~takes the veal out of the freezer and cuts it in very thin slices.~
~put the veal on top of the tunafishsauce.~
~washes the cherry tomatoes, slices the lemon in parts.~
~to finish it DA puts a little bit of pepper on the veal and puts the cherry tomatoe and a lemonpart on the edge of the plates.~
So this is ready.
~takes the plates in the fridge, so when dinner starts it can be served cold.~
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Carpaccio of veal with tuna
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