A Conversation for Uncyclopedia

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 1

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Entry: Uncyclopedia - A5832010
Author: Nerd4² - Reality's on the blink again - *Join Silver Sword; an Interactive Fantasy RPG!* A989698 - U203906

OK, I've never written an entry for the Edited Guide before .... take a look at this and tell me what you think. Thanks!
smiley - towelNerd42

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 2


Looks pretty good so far!

A few things.

-I don't think H2G2 has superscript text in it.
-When was Uncyclopedia founded?

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 3

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

OK OK, I just like spelling it as h²g² cause it looks cooler. smiley - laugh I'll change that. smiley - winkeye

I will find out when it was founded ...
smiley - towelNerd42

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 4

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

.... January, 2005.

Any other ideas? Things I should mention or link to? Formatting crap?
smiley - towelNerd42

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 5

Trin Tragula

I like this smiley - smiley Maybe expand on it a bit more, give a fuller idea of the things you're likely to encounter on there?

(Which brings me to ... you might also want to put a warning up front if you're wanting this to head towards the EG - 'don't click if easily offended' - I clicked the link to check it out and found the opening metaphor in relation to German grammar pretty strong stuff smiley - bigeyes).

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 6

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - erm ... it's a wiki, the content changes every day. The "german grammar" article that is featured right now won't be featured tomorrow. There has been stuff on the h2g2 front page before that I might feel like putting such a warning label on.

Things you're likely to encounter .... atire, humor and misinformation. Fake quotes. That's about it really ....
smiley - towelNerd42

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 7

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - sorry typo: satire, not atire

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 8

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Do you seriously think that will be an issue!? I've never noticed any "warning labels" on other links before .... How is that done in the rest of the Edited Guide? If there's a precident for this I'd want to of course follow it.
smiley - towelNerd42

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 9


I don't think it should be in an issue, actually. But if you like, you could add a footnote after you first mention the site, saying something like, "Be warned that some of the content that has in past been featured on the front page could be considered inappropriate or offensive". Or something like that, I dunno.

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 10

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Maybe I should just say something about how alot of stuff on Uncyclopedia is offensive generally. smiley - erm hmm ...
smiley - towelNerd42

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 11

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

I should have thought of that as part of the article anyway.


I just kind of assumed that since it's a wiki, and we already have an entry on Wikipedia, that would be taken for granted. But I see now that this is an important issue.

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 12


Looks cool - I'll come back later with more comments.

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 13

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

er ... OK then. Time to submit to actual peer review you guys think?

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 14


Go right ahead.smiley - smiley

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 15


Whoops. Totally forgot to come back. Let me remedy that.

smiley - sorry

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 16


Ok, my suggestions:

"Uncyclopedia is a humorous parody of Wikipedia; an 'encyclopedia of misinformation, nonsense and utter lies.'"


"Uncyclopedia is a humorous parody of Wikipedia; and describes itself as an 'encyclopedia of misinformation, nonsense and utter lies.'"

"all Uncyclopedia entries are completely fake". I would say false instead of fake.

"repeated vandalism results in being banned from the site".


"repeated vandalism results in the user being banned from the site".

"Not contain personal attacks on any member of ths site"


"Not contain personal attacks on any member of the site"

"vaugely" -> "vaguely"

"the most popular of these is probably Making up Oscar Wilde quotes." Can you link to this page please?

"Originally, the Uncyclopedia logo was a potato, but because of Wikipedia's adoption of a white ball made of puzzle pieces for it's logo, Uncyclopedia invented the 'puzzle potato' seen on the site today."


"Originally, the Uncyclopedia logo was a potato, but after Wikipedia's adoption of a white ball constructed from puzzle pieces for its logo, Uncyclopedia invented the 'puzzle potato' seen on the site today."

"It looks like the wikipedia logo" -> "Wikipedia

"The site logo is frequently replaced by other parodies for short periods of time, such as holidays." Can you give us any examples?

Good job! smiley - applause I like it. Let us know when you put it in PR, and I'll head over to that thread.

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 17

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Problem with that - they aren't all completely false, though they're all completely fake. They make fun of things that actually do exist in the real world, (for example: making politically charged statements that some people might consider true) and I think it says somewhere that truth can be funnier than fiction or something like that.

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 18

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

OK!! I haven't had much time to work on this lately, but I just edited it to implement most of the changes you outlined, which are good ideas ... though I explained why I did not change "fake" to "false"

I haven't put in examples of site reskinnings yet but I will ... the "Trekkiepedia" parody done for the first birthday of Memory Alpha would probably be a good example.
smiley - towelNerd42

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 19

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

OK I put the examples of site reskinnings up. I think it's about time I put this in PR ... hope this wasn't a bad decision ... smiley - ermsmiley - ok
smiley - towelNerd42

A5832010 - Uncyclopedia

Post 20

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

PR conversation: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F48874?thread=2234231 Nerd42

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