A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

The Greenhouse

Post 21

I'm not really here

Typical. Just like men. If you want the p***k you have to take the thing it's attached to. Hmmmm, can I have this big green one?

The Greenhouse

Post 22

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

*Wanders in*
*Pauses, wobbles, turns around, changes mind..*
*Straightens tie*

Good day, St Hatifnat,
My name is Pod, James Pod, from cabin 007- shaken, not stirred.
This is some greenhouse you have here- I'm impressed..
I wonder if you could supply me with one or two things. I need a Giant Poison Tipped Venus Fly Trap, some Moravian Tree Crushing Creepers, and a pot of Begonias for Moneypenny.
Would this be possible?
My organistion would reward you for your efforts.

The Greenhouse

Post 23


Mina: that green one is sent to your ... rooms now.

Mr. Pod: here are your begonias, as about the rest of your order - it takes some moments to arrange it. They'll be sent to the cabin #oo7 soon.

Would you like to stay for a cup of green tea?

The Greenhouse

Post 24

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Well, thank you St Hatifnat, I would appreciate that. It does seem very peaceful in here. A nice break from fighting the forces of world oppression. And I am told that there is nothing like a fine green tea of good vintage to settle the mind.

The Greenhouse

Post 25


Here you are - smiley - tea.
And call me Hati, please.

The Greenhouse

Post 26

Researcher 179388

Hi Hati,

Juat waiting in Ugi to tie the knots for your hammock. In the meantime here is a herbal pillow.

Can I have a wander down the mulberry alley?

The Greenhouse

Post 27

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Why, thank you Hati
*sips smiley - tea
Call me James...
*Sniffs Begonias*
Lovely Begonias. You know, I was a bit embarassed earlier, when I said these were for Moneypenny. Actually, they're .. well they're for me. I love Begonias. Its not a side of me they show in the films.
*Sniffs Begonias again, and gazes at them.*
Helloo Begonias- Helloo- no one is going to harm you with a multi-powered nuclear device, are they? No, they're not, are they?. Because I'm going to stop them, aren't I?, Yes I am...
*Breaks from trance*
Sorry Hati...
This smiley - tea is nice, I must say.
Well, Caerwynn, we meet again.. smiley - winkeye

The Greenhouse

Post 28


Of course you can! Let's go down here - how do you like my appletrees? The ones with almost white blossoms will have especially sweet apples. smiley - winkeye
See, there's the mulberry alley.

The Greenhouse

Post 29


Oh, James!
Do you know that begonias are also very tasty? And they have a lot of vitamines in their flowers. And they don't mind at all to be eateb a little bit. They'll be even happy to be useful. Though they are quite acid.

The Greenhouse

Post 30

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Are you suggesting I eat my Begonias? smiley - yikes
I could never do that, not even if I was personally ordered to do so by the Queen.

*Strokes Begonias*

Nooo nooo, don't listen to Hati...

*pauses, stiff upper lip begins to tremble...*

smiley - wah

The Greenhouse

Post 31

Researcher 179388

How did you get these trees here? They are ancient, as all the best mulberry trees are.

Oh, I know smiley - magic, takes one to know one!

The Greenhouse

Post 32

Researcher 179388

Sorry James, didn't see you behind that begonia smiley - ok

The Greenhouse

Post 33


OK, OK, calm down, James. You don't have to eat them if you are so smiley - wah.

Yeah, it needed a lot of smiley - magic to get such a big greenhouse to this ship. It is a smiley - wizard thing, you know. But I think even pirates need to get back to their roots or at least have some peaceful place to get away from the rough job they have.

The Greenhouse

Post 34

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Hmmm, I guess a greenhouse *is* the perfect place if you want to come back to your roots smiley - silly

I could do with some rock and reggae too, you know smiley - winkeye

smiley - pirate

The Greenhouse

Post 35

Researcher 179388

Hi Hati, just wanted to check that the hammock held up ok smiley - smiley

The Greenhouse

Post 36


Oh, the hammock was just fine!
smiley - erm Though I was a little afraid about these knots, so I didn't hang it up. Or maybe it was because of too much smiley - stiffdrink, I don'tremember exactly. smiley - erm

The Greenhouse

Post 37


Oh, and Pierce, if you need some very own root, I can give you some ginger roots. Or for very special men I have a very little supply of alraun .

The Greenhouse

Post 38


*waters the plants, cuts some smiley - rosesmiley - rose for decorating the Lighthouse Bar*

The Greenhouse

Post 39

Researcher 179388


Hati, are you there?

No reply, she must be in the tropical rain forest at the far end.

*leaves a note on the door to the main arboretum*

Light and I were wondering if we could have flowers for decoration for the party on Monday? We need enough for the bar and mess room.

I was hoping you could help us out.

Catch you later smiley - fairysmiley - smiley

The Greenhouse

Post 40


*appears from the far end of the greenhouse with a basketful of bananas, notices the note*
See, what's here! Flowers? Certainly! I have plenty of flowers...
*starts towards the bar*

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