A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

The Greenhouse

Post 121

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*wanders in*

*looks at plants*

Prettysmiley - smiley

The Greenhouse

Post 122


Oh, I have had visitors! smiley - biggrin

I wonder if female gardener could be called gardeness?

Anyway, it has been a tough day and I need some sleep.
*climbs into her hammock and...*

Eeeeek, oooo, mmmmmmmmmm

The Greenhouse

Post 123

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*watches Hatifnat struggle in hammock*

The Greenhouse

Post 124

Researcher 168814

Oh, the black forest is having a whay hay hay of a time being blown to pieces. I wouldn´t want to go out of my house today...

Hati, Sgt! hallo! Hati! I only just noticed that you´re not HatiFANT! I alway but you down to being one of the beings in the line of a heverlump...smiley - erm

Have you any peaches? I am going crazy for peaches atm...

The Greenhouse

Post 125

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - erm

The Greenhouse

Post 126


*the box full of peaches, soft and fresh like a virgin, lands in front of E (or was it T?).

What is *heverlump*???

The Greenhouse

Post 127

Researcher 179388

Happy Sunday Hati!

Thanks for the lovely apples, full of flavour, crisp and juicy. Don't get them like that very often these days. I really enjoyed them.

I wonder if we get some cider or scrumpy brewed by any of the brewers on board?

A tip for next spring: if you tie bottles over the developing buds of pears and apples, they will ripen in the bottle, then you cut the bottle from the tree, pour in brandy and after a couple of months you have a wonderful liquer!

The Greenhouse

Post 128


Hi, Caerwynn!
Nice to meet you here on Sunday. Your idea about the bottles sounds sensible. smiley - winkeye
Tschörmen said something about making the apple-wine, BTW.

The Greenhouse

Post 129

Researcher 179388

That sounds good. Will it be edy for Christmas do you think?

The Greenhouse

Post 130


Don't know. We can ask him when he comes to take his peaches.

The Greenhouse

Post 131

Researcher 168814

T:*Coming in after E disapeared(Suddenly)*

Yes, lädies! The Äbblewine vill be reädy far befor Christmäs! Ve will be pressing se stuff läter änd you cän have a try off se most when u come äround nest time...

Oh! Wonderful peaches...

[EXUNT T, con Peaches...]

The Greenhouse

Post 132

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

And after that we will even turn some of the äppelwoi into calvados! smiley - winkeye

smiley - pirate

The Greenhouse

Post 133

Researcher 168814

*E (who seams to have reapeard in the moment T left)*:

Yes, exelent! wonderful...

I think I will go and bake some "tartes flambées" with apples and sweet cream on it. And we can than pour the Calvados over it and set it on fire... LOVELY taste!!!

The Greenhouse

Post 134


So, as it looks like, the problem with the apples is solved. smiley - biggrin

*leaves to make a long sleep in her large hammock (made by Caerwynn and Ugi)*

smiley - zzz

The Greenhouse

Post 135

Researcher 168814

Sleep well, Hati...

The Greenhouse

Post 136


*openes just one eye to ask*
What is heverlump?!

The Greenhouse

Post 137

Researcher 168814

It´s something from Winnie se Pooh...It´s something Pooh änd Pigglet are äfraid off... Änd I couldn´t imägine you wonting two be something frightening, like ä smiley - ghostsmiley - erm

The Greenhouse

Post 138


I see, I've read the book only in my language. smiley - winkeye
Hatifnats are actually Hattifatteners, it's the English word. You can find some more information about us at

The Greenhouse

Post 139

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Oh, a hefferlumpsmiley - smiley

The Greenhouse

Post 140

Researcher 168814

Then it was a TYPO!!! smiley - biggrin

smiley - silly, me...

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