The Muses' Campfire

10 Conversations

Everybody loves campfires. But why? A campfire is the antipode of a smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star hotel:

  • no 24/7 room service
  • no king size bed
  • no air condition
  • no TV
  • no stereo
  • no kitchen
  • no refridgerator
  • no ...

So what is it that we like? It's easy: Have you ever ...
  • been staring into the flames, thinking
    "That's better that pay TV!"?
  • been listening to someone playing the guitar at a campfire, thinking
    "That's better than Radio!"?
  • been tasting fire-baked potatoes or roasted marshmallows, thinking
    "That's better that Haute Cuisine!"?
  • been sleeping near a campfire, thinking
    "That's better than a king size bed in an air conditioned room!"?
  • been spending a night sitting next to a campfire with some friends, thinking
    "That's better than any room service!"?

If the answer to only one of these questions is Yes, then you're welcome to sit down at the Muses' campfire.

Where are we?

Our campfire is in a small, almost hidden clade by a creek, somewhere near Urania's Observation Tower and Balcony. Don't worry, the glare of our fire will not disturb the astronomy fans, we are not that near. Just follow the smell of grilled steaks, the sound of strummed guitars and the general aura of people who take things easy.

What do we offer?

Our creek is abundant of trout, bass, char and other edible smiley - fish, and a self-filling crate of smiley - ale has been dumped into it. A big container with smiley - chocmilk can be found near the creek. sometimes we also have smiley - cake, but not that frequently: keep in mind that this is not the Ritz Carlton. If you'd like to have other food or drinks, feel free to make a donation. If you want to spend your stay in a more formal outfit, we have a choice of dinner jackets hanging from a leash between two trees. And just in case you were sleeping too close to the flames, setting your clothes on fire, someone will always be here to fight that fire with lots of smiley - stout. This might be a good moment to get a fresh dinner jacket!

We have guitars, flutes, all kinds of instruments that do not require electricity1. Feel free to take one, try them out!

If you want to have some, smiley - devil entertainment of the private variety smiley - devil, lots of bushes with soft moss around them are spread all over the place.

What do we expect from you?

We expect you not to expect to find a party where people go berserk. This is a place to chill out. Sit down, relax, have a smiley - ale, catch some smiley - fish, throw a steak onto the grid. If you want to talk, then talk. If you want to play music, then play music. If you just want to listen, just listen. If you want to bring your friends, then bring your friends, there's enough space for everybody.

Please don't bring boomboxes, ghettoblasters, or whatever you may call those annoying things. We have no electricity here, and we like it to be this way. This is a place of ease, tranquility, meditation and contemplation, and, above all, the very best place to be smiley - smooched by a smiley - fairyGenuine Muse from the Musehomesmiley - fairy.

Have fun!

St. Jeremy, Muse of Dinner Jackets, Handmade Music and Campfires

1We have been playing unplugged before MTV even knew how to spell that.

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