A Conversation for H2G2 Anonymous

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4221


Wearing a badge around your lower leg is certainly original smiley - smiley Congratulations smiley - bubbly

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4222

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

smiley - erm Sta?

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4223


You said you have a shinning badge.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4224

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

smiley - dohsmiley - biggrin

Maybe it will come in handy for skateboarding ???

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4225


Did you see French and Saunders over Easter? I loved the bit when the computer wouldn't work and Dawn French said she was a computer whisperer smiley - laugh How are you my old bean?

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4226

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

I have watched almost no telly in the past 4 weeks as I have barely left the computer lab. This will remain the case for another two weeks or so, then I will just have my revision for about 6 weeks, then I will be able to watch tv again.

I miss ana dreadfully, and am feeling tired. Apart from that, things are smiley - cool

How about you?

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4227


Have spent the last 2 weeks not bothering to do any work because I'm too p-ed off with the course, so I've been doing some serious relaxation and delaying the guilt until next week. I'm now trying to work out how to avoid and deter unwelcome advances. Any suggestions?

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4228

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Get yourself a boyfriend / girlfriend?

Or spend your entire life in a room with your computer, thus avoiding meeting any potential RL advancers.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4229


I've considered both options but they're both a bit extreme. Isn't there any other way?

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4230

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

YOu are recieving unwelcome attention from someone in particular?

ITs not one of those complicated, cant we just be friends, oh I think we could be so much more than just friends, oh but really, your just a mate situations is it?

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4231


No, thankfully it's not that bad. The person is rather overbearing though, doesn't take hints.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4232

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Ah well in that case the answer may seem harsh, but is really the only way - you will just have to stop making hints and make your feelings abundantly clear to your would be suitor. If they cant take a hint, give them a brick instead.

GOsh, what amazingly useful advice I give. ho ho ho.

The Green Room - relax and unwind

Post 4233


I'm not much good at that, and it's complicated. You're right though. *bangs head against wall*

The Green Room - relax and unwind, and receive string free hugs

Post 4234

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

smiley - hug

The Green Room - relax and unwind, and receive string free hugs

Post 4235


smiley - hug Why isn't everything in life as simple as h2g2? smiley - smiley

The Green Room - relax and unwind, and receive string free hugs

Post 4236

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

h2g2, probably the greatest online cool place in the world.

The Green Room - relax and unwind, and receive string free hugs

Post 4237


I think I'll move in. You're a GURU, any idea how I can upload myself? I wonder if I could borrow my mum's scanner and scan myself in... no, then I'd still be here but they'll be a copy of me smiley - yikes freaky thought.

The Green Room - relax and unwind, and receive string free hugs

Post 4238

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Well people do keep muttering about the ability to upload our own pictures and the like being in the pipelines, but I dont think the same featuers are likely to be extended to include soul uploading support... it would be a dreadful drain on the servers if the 1500 plus/minus 500 active researchers were able to be online ALL the time... you could always join the campaign to switch VR and RL over, if you havent already done so.

The Green Room - relax and unwind, and receive string free hugs

Post 4239


Sounds rather like a Robert Rankin novel, uploading my soul. I don't think even the researchers on h2g2 could cope with access to that weirdness. It's a truly sacry thought.

The Green Room - relax and unwind, and receive string free hugs

Post 4240

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

what Robert Rankin novel?

you could always just smiley - run when you see them coming...

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