A Conversation for The King 2legs campaign Head quarters for the Monster Raving Badger Party

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Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - tea I've no idea how its going, I'm attempting to confuse the heck out of all the other candidates by irrational behaviour and keep hinting that I'm about to resign smiley - biggrin I think its working

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Post 22

Keseral - lost...

i say three cups of tea.

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Post 23

Keseral - lost...

your irrational behavior can only be exceeded by mine
mine! mine! its all mine i tell you! smiley - evilgrin

so... ha. *is smug*

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Post 24

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

Do you want me to make WATR ( A5769769 )down on your side for the elections?

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Post 25

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

And can I be the Minister of Strange Events and Sayings (organised)?

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Post 26

zaphob, the smallest of your problems

What do you get out of ths if you join?
Zaphobsmiley - biggrin

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Post 27

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit Raving at the Party
"We are here for the party, is that not enough smiley - huh

If you are lucky, King 'Twolegs' will add you to the party page, it is an honour to be listed there. smiley - biggrin

Thanks to the 'Badger's we have a Booz Cabinet, I sorted it a little, as the only thing they do is mess up everything. < A5853774 >. smiley - cheers

Do you join this Monster Raving Badger smiley - disco Party ? "

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Post 28

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his hat
"The Voting has started !

< A5571434 > Nominations
< A5689533 > Rumour, Scandal & possibly some News
< A5768030 > Campaigns, Canvassing and the odd debate
< A5889261 > Voting !

< A5889261 > Voting !

< A5889261 > Voting !

< A5889261 > Voting !

It is possible to vote for more then one candidate,

--1-- I vote for 'TwoLegs'
--2-- I vote for '2legs'
--3-- I vote for < U169793 >
--4-- I vote for the Monster Raving Badger Party
--5-- I vote for smiley - badger
--6-- smiley - erm
--7-- I vote for 2legs !

smiley - goodluck And do not forget to put 2legs on your list !

____________________Everybody just copies this section__________________
Each voter will put all the candidates into an order of preference.
After each round the candidate with the lowest number of votes is disqualified, those votes are transferred to each voter's next preferred candidate.
You don't have to vote for everyone, if you like you can just choose one candidate or tour top 2,3,5,10,etc
The first to get more than 50% of the vote share will be declared the winner.
Voting will commence at 1PM on 26 September 2005 until 5PM on 7 October 2005 to a specially created email address.
Voting will be by email only. The address is [email protected]
The email must be headed "h2g2 vote 05", and the email body must contain your username, U number and your voting order of preference of candidates.
Duplicate emails from the same person will be deleted.
Duplicate accounts run by the same person, although they run the risk of not being detected, will be frowned upon and deleted.
The returning officer's decision is final.

[email protected]
SUBJECT:[ h2g2 vote 05 ]
TEXT:[ Your U number & name ]
TEXT:[ I vote 'TwoLegs' ]


Sign up with U number to demonstrate you are a supporter of the 2legs campaign

Post 29

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Hey! everyone voted yet? smiley - grovel make sure I'm first on teh list, and don't* put on the names of teh other most likely candidates to do well smiley - biggrin but you can include some of the least liekly to win on teh list say in second and third positions smiley - biggrin as it'l help agains tht eother strong candidates smiley - evilgrinsmiley - erm I think smiley - biggrinsmiley - boing

Sign up with U number to demonstrate you are a supporter of the 2legs campaign

Post 30

Keseral - lost...

hehe! voting good smiley - smiley oh yea! smiley - diva only hootoo would allow 26 year-olds to vote for presidents smiley - biggrin

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