We All Together Rock

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The club that looks after you, even if you aren't a member

Hello and welcome to WATR. We aim to help all those who need help, and stand up for what is right. Whatever your predicament, we'll help you out; from blackmail to suicidal feelings to death threats, all the way down to webboard bullying. We stand firm against an uncaring world. Whatever gets you down, talk to us about it, and we can help.

If, on the other hand, you want to wallow in self-pity before getting our help, our friends at P.U.D.D.I.N.G. will be happy to oblige.

Who can you talk to

You can either talk to an individual from the list of leaders, or you can talk to the group as a whole. The leaders have their own post forum, as well as the group one and other inconsequential ones.

The leaders might take longer to get back to you, but can give you personal advice at a more secure level if you don't want everyone knowing about it, wheras the group is able to help you out faster for things that aren't so private.

You can talk to the leaders in the forums under their names, or you can ask for their e-mails to ask your questions. The third option is togive your problem and e-mail and ask the leader to contact you, if you are okay with the possibility that other people will read your problem.

group members

Here is a list of the leaders of the group
Choose a leaderNavigator BlackRuskiangelKadypi
And here is a list of the general members of the group.
all members Navigator BlackRuskiangelKadypiFord_Prefect**chorlton**Elwyn_CentauriDucky

additional information

If you have any further questions, post them in a new topic below. A badge will be on its way soon.
Any information you wish to impart to a leader personally over the internet will remain confidant until the person who had the problem wishes otherwise.

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