A Conversation for CAMELOT (A place of enchantment and participation)

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 61

Queen Almasy, Godess of Haphazardness, Guardian of Smileys of Clan Mcthing, Ruler of Hedgehogs, Needing a hug

(lady guenivere backs away)

on no! not those bats!!!

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 62

Queen Almasy, Godess of Haphazardness, Guardian of Smileys of Clan Mcthing, Ruler of Hedgehogs, Needing a hug

(lady guenivere)

I remember the last time they flew up there...

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 63

Ice, King of Dragon Roost, Neuro Surgeon of Clan McThing

The last time you went where?

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 64

Queen Almasy, Godess of Haphazardness, Guardian of Smileys of Clan Mcthing, Ruler of Hedgehogs, Needing a hug

(lady guenivere)
nothing dear

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 65


[Sir Dragonet]

Ahh! Tis so peaceful here, on this barren flat rock, in the middle of a lake, with naught save the wildlife, and the odd passing queen for company!


And me, don't forget me!

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 66

Queen Almasy, Godess of Haphazardness, Guardian of Smileys of Clan Mcthing, Ruler of Hedgehogs, Needing a hug

(glances towards sir lancealot)

what say you, knight?
of the bats flying up my nightdress?

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 67

Queen Almasy, Godess of Haphazardness, Guardian of Smileys of Clan Mcthing, Ruler of Hedgehogs, Needing a hug

too big a mistake (glances towards sir "Dragonet"

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 68


[Sir Lancelot]

I only note madam, that they are having difficulty in passing the belfry.

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 69

Floh Fortuneswell

*to the scorpion*
Follow the Moscwa
down to Gorky Park
listening to the wind of cha-ange

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 70

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

*to Morgas*
Any more kak referals to early nineties german rock, and you'll get a soakin'. Djou 'ear me?

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 71

Floh Fortuneswell


Ooops, okay.

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 72


[Sir Dragonet]

Well, OK.

So can we please get on with things? You have my naked body to attend to here, if you don't mind. Thank you.

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 73

Queen Almasy, Godess of Haphazardness, Guardian of Smileys of Clan Mcthing, Ruler of Hedgehogs, Needing a hug

(lady Almasy)

smiley - drunksmiley - ale

(walks around dazed)

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 74

Floh Fortuneswell

What can I do??

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 75



I feel like lunch

[Sir Dragonet]

Well, if you won't, i will! Just lie back...


Here comes lunch!

[Sir Dragonet]

...and I'll just lift you up



[Sir Dragonet]

where you belong, in my arms, and step over to the edge of the rock, and..


another chance! Attack! Attack!

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 76

Floh Fortuneswell

And what?

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 77



Oh dear, Morgas, I hope you can swim!


Yummy, a nice knight's foot!

[Sir Dragonet]


(At this point our noble, and rather tasty, knight, stung by this very small insect less than a thousandth of his size, throws the fair maiden Morgas high into the air. She pirouettes gracefully, if involuntarily, in the sunshine, the rays of sunshine glinting on her skin, catching in her fetchingly untamed hair, before...


[Sir Dragonet](Hopping)

Drat! just when I was hoping for a bit of love in the afternoon sun, this fiendish insect has scuppered my plans completely! Ah well, another time, another place!

(having crushed the Scorpion)

Shame really, she was such a nice...Oh, hello Guinevere, anything I can do for you, my Queen!

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 78

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - yikes Oh funnyfunnyfunny.
Would YOU mind helping me?

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 79

Queen Almasy, Godess of Haphazardness, Guardian of Smileys of Clan Mcthing, Ruler of Hedgehogs, Needing a hug

(Lady Almasy stumbles and falls flat on her face, making her nose be pushed into her head and come out the other side smiley - bruised)

The shady glade - with lake- in the forest

Post 80

Ice, King of Dragon Roost, Neuro Surgeon of Clan McThing

(Lady Almasy)

I need a smiley - nurse to get rid of this smiley - devil that is plaging me!!(Kidding, kidding...)

(...Prince of...(Once Removed)

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