A Conversation for Ministry of Inane Elongated Conversations

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 141

Ming Mang

Seven guitars??
smiley - winkeye


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 142

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Yeah !! smiley - tongueout I'me just waiting to have the transplant to give me another six sets of arms, so I can play them all at once smiley - yikes but, currently I think two of those guitars are in need of major-ish repairs, and can't be played at the moment, not that they could anyhow as I only have three here with me at University, the rest at my dads smiley - sadface I will survive though, getting new amp at christmas probably smiley - biggrin

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 143


are they elongated?

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 144

Ming Mang

*radiates a nice shade of jealousy green... smiley - winkeye*


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 145

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I just wish I could play smiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 146

Ming Mang

So do I!!
And only having mum's old acoustic that she bought second-hand 25 years ago doesn't help with the whole learning thing...


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 147

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well, I've been playing something like aobut 10 years, but there is always room for improvement, being self-taught, I've got a lot of bad habbits that are very difficult to get out of smiley - sadface Are you going to save up for a new Guitar? Christmas present? smiley - smiley

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 148

Ming Mang

Well, I've only been learning - teaching myself like you - for a few months now, so I think I'll struggle on with this one as I may decide just to quit altogether and I don't want to have spent a lot of money on a new one if all I am going to do is stop playing it... and plus, I'm a stingy little miser... smiley - winkeye
And my parents won't get me one - too expensive.


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 149

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Good idea, I remember loads of friends deciding to learn to play when I was younger, and buying equipment, only to give up after a few weeks cause they couldn't immediatly play as wwell or what they wanted to smiley - smiley It takes a while at first, but its perserverance (spelling?) thats needed to begin with smiley - yikessmiley - smiley

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 150


I wish I knew how to play at least some type of musical instrumentsmiley - sadface

I tried piano when I was in about second grade. I took lessons for about four years but never got very goodsmiley - cry

No musical ability whatsoever

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 151

Ming Mang

Awww! smiley - sadface
I know the frustration of the piano... I've been trying to learn for nigh on eleven years, and still I am crap. *sigh* Determination to learn it is failing.

I'd say try something like the flute, but only cos I can play it and am biased... smiley - winkeye


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 152


I have a feeling that would probably end up worse then the piano. Besides I would rather learn how to play the guitar

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 153

Ming Mang

Ah well. Like I said, I'm biased. smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin
Have you tried learning guitar? smiley - smiley


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 154


not yet. Don't have one

Somebody showed me a few chords once on theirs once but that was a couple of years ago so I'm sure I have forgotten by now

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 155

Ming Mang

Ah well.
Life, as they say, is life. smiley - sadface


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 156


Maybe sometime I will learn. I guess I am just too lazysmiley - laugh

Life is just life the universe and everythingsmiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - smiley

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 157

Ming Mang

Ahh, laziness. smiley - smiley It can stop people very easily.

42! smiley - biggrin


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 158

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Can't you play the spoons?
Can't you play the stereo/Hi-Fi??? smiley - biggrinsmiley - smileysmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - smiley

Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 159

Ming Mang

I managed to get a tune out of my desk lamp once!! smiley - biggrin


Welcome One and All [preferably all, one get's a bit boring when you have to speak to yourself...]

Post 160

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wow My father has an old hunting horn, not that we have hunted, and he claims to be able to "play" it smiley - yikes but he can get some realistic "farting" noises out of it smiley - yikes actually its quite an elongated horn smiley - biggrin

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