A Conversation for Writing Guidelines


Post 121

Mrs V

Dry martini, urrgh!!!


Post 122


Long parties tend to make even longer hangovers. smiley - winkeye


Post 123

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

The best way to cope is to just sleeeeeeeep through the entire hangover.


Post 124

Mrs V

Doesn't work for me... The morning after the infamous try some of this my dad made it party i had a choir concert... now thats a way to get rid of a hangover!


Post 125

Capt. Smith

A cure for hangover which actually works, at least for me, is as simple as this: First thing when i get home (If I'm still conscious (Did I spell that right???)) I drink a glass of milk. (Yep, that's right. Milk! Skimmed milk!) Then I drink as much water i my poor overstrained stomach can hold. And after a good nights (or days) sleep, I'm fit for fight again (more or less)


Post 126


A nice large glass bottle of refridgerated Irn-Bru is all I need to cure my hangover and maybe a couple of paracetamol.


Post 127

Mrs V

Thats my best cure, lots of water before you go to bed, because hangovers are caused by Dehydration, and lots of Irn Bru whenyou wake up in the morning, for the caffine and sugar


Post 128


Lots of milk, pref. over a liter, before going on a binge. And a good solid meal, too. Both lessen the impact of alcohol on your system. And if you can remember while partying: drink a good swig of water everytime you go to the loo, or anytime you can. Helps!!


Post 129


The best cure for a hangover I have ever found was in Spain. Chili omlette smothered with cheese.


Post 130


Heh.. Yeah.. 'cause you vomit whatever alcohol you have left in your stomach and the hangover is overshadowed by indigestion. smiley - winkeye


Post 131

Shep Parsec

Parties always invariably end up at the point where everyone is drunk and suffering from a raging attack of the munchies. There are three possible solutions. You can all venture on mass to the nearest 24 hour garage and attempt to obtain comestibles, or someone can attempt to cook (usually this job is done by the soberest individual "assisted" by the drunkest), the third option is to use the wonderful invention the telephone and order pizza - this task should be delegated to the drunkest conscious person at the party so you can all have a good laugh as they try to remember and pronounce the order.

Cheers, there is beer to be drunk !
Jonah smiley - bigeyes


Post 132


And apparently drunks to be beered. smiley - winkeye


Post 133

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

(Hic) Indeed.


Post 134

Mrs V

We make a chinease type stir fry thing (out of a packet!) when we come in sloshed from the pub, but it was always mashed potato my friends Carrie and Siobhan would drunkenly make... hows that for odd..


Post 135

BC Damside

I'm impressed by all these various alcoholic munch-attack meals. I always stumble home, never have anything in my fridge, and end up toasting the last slice of mouldy bread. I doubt I could handle anything more


Post 136

Mrs V

We get around that by always having a big of frozen chinese stir fry stuff in the freezer for just such an attack of the munchies. Granted the time i did it it was mince pies we were stuffing our face on, but that involves being sober enough to remember how to work the oven!ยจ


Post 137

Capt. Smith

HELP ME!!!! I'm completely pissed off, and im at school! We're having this christmas party at my school, and since we all have accesss cards to the computer lab me and my gal have managed to get into it. We're both somewhat intoxicated, and we'll need help to cure this hangover!!!! This took me over 20 minutes to write, please help!!!!


Post 138

Shep Parsec

As has been mentioned the best way to cure a hangover is to drink your way around it...

fried breakfasts consisting of bacon, egg, sausage, mushroom, black pudding, baked beans and fried bread. This works a treat.

OR, three aspirin, three pro-plus and three Marlboro.


Post 139


Beer? I'm giving it up. After a long and distinguished career quaffing gallons and gallons of the stuff - it's history. My first big encounter was a skin full on my first night at RAF Lossiemouth, topped of with a vindaloo to keep up with the lads. Back at the barracks just shuffling the cards in the ensuing poker game was making me dizzy. I staggered to the window and barfed the contents of my stomach into the night air. Unknown to me, a para was leaning out of a ground floor window chatting to his mate. The loud belch like noise made him turn his face skyward and he was splatted with half digested curry and beer.

I told my fellow card players what had happened, "A PARA," one of them squealed, and evryone jumped up to barricade the door. After a few minutes feet could be heard pounding along the corridor. By mistake, the motley storm troops pile into the room next door and panned the living daylights out of our neighbours. It was all my fault. Sorry lads but it was friendly fire.


Post 140

Shep Parsec

ho hum, could've been worse...

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