A Conversation for Holodecks

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 1

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Entry: Holodecks - A5263175
Author: Nerd42 Trek; the Next Generation - *Join Silver Sword; an Interactive Fantasy RPG!* A989698 - U203906

I could use some suggestions as to other things I might say here.
smiley - towelNerd42

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 2

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Good subject for an Entry Nerd42 smiley - smiley

A few suggestions for extra information

You could say which of the Star Treks first had the Holodecks.

That the Holodecks are for training and leisure

There was the one in Voyager where Tuvok developed a mutiny situation, for my vague memory the whole episode was based around it, as Tuvok not added the end of the holodeck situation, and the crew added their own ending. smiley - erm

And didn't Worf use the holodeck to keep his fighting skills in peak condition, by fighting Klingons, and also his son Alex learned about Klingons in the holodeck.

Wasn't Voyger's first communication with earth via Reg and the holodeck.

Then there was the one with Picard, playing a detective, or something like that. smiley - sorry my memory is very hazy.

There loads of examples, if you pick a few of the most interesting and explain them.

I think holodeck may be better described as a 'virtual reality of any place in any environment'. (or something like thatsmiley - smiley)

Good luck

smiley - bluebutterfly

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

I'm back again, just thought of a good one you could use as an example of the holodeck, but you'll have to fill in the bits I can't remember smiley - doh

Riker has his perfect girlfriend programmed into the holodeck, her name began with an M.

Later in another episode, the Binaries (I think) brainwashed the crew, using images from their memories, the brainwashing didn't work for Riker, as the Binaries used his memeories of M and he knew they were not accurate memories...or something like that. smiley - erm

If you use that, I'm sure you'll remember and explain it much better than me. smiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 4


You'd also have to mention holodeck malfunctions... Remember Moriarty?

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 5

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

I don't think giving an example of every holodeck use ever is what this entry ought to do though. That would make it way too long and detailed. This isn't Memory Alpha. On the other hand, mentioning the "official" Starfleet purpose for the holodeck(s), a few holodeck mishaps (like Moriarty) and that the Next Generation was the first series to have holodecks all sound like good ideas to me. I will start adding some of that stuff pretty soon.

maybe the article should mention that one of the guidelines for whether Star Trek novel submissions will be accepted for review by publishers who have liscenses to publish ST-books, is "no holodeck stories" - or that's what I heard somewhere anyway. It does seem to explain why there are so few (if any) novels dealing with the subject. (If there are any ... please tell me because I want to read them! smiley - ok)
smiley - towelNerd42

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 6

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

>"I don't think giving an example of every holodeck use ever is what this entry ought to do though"

If you mean me, I didn't suggest using every one, just a small selection of examples. smiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 7

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

well, I'd probably want to mention Moriarty, and Fair Haven ... and probably also the holoship from Star Trek Insurrection ... hmm
smiley - towelNerd42

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 8

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

I've not watched any Star Trek for years. Put my brain out of it's puzzling mystery and remind me, which was the Moriarty one? smiley - erm

smiley - bluebutterfly

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 9

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/James_Moriarty came into being in the TNG episode http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Elementary%2C_Dear_Data
smiley - towelNerd42

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 10

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

ah, that one smiley - cheers

smiley - bluebutterfly

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 11

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit more on a technical view
"Holodeks are supposed to be enclosed rooms with holographic projectors. These projectors are controlled by a substantial part of the ships processing power.
In contrary to 'just only holograms' the projections seem to be substantial. The interaction with objects is a complete replication of reality. With the exception of the safety protocols, these prevent the projection from entering the body of a participant. Bullets can not hurt you, food and drink will not add to your intake.

You can select programs like movies for 'excursions' ranging from a visit to a peacefull planet to extreme sports. With effort you can program an environment, these mostly come with inherent bugs.

The 'please state the medical emergency' holographic Doctor uses a single holographic projector after visiting the future. Before that this single hologram used spread single projectors to visit ten-forward and the bridge.

Big holoproectors are used in the motion pictures, creating a virtual ship or a copy of a complete village.

What they say about the projectors could imply things like scanning lasers. What makes the 'objects' tactile is not explained in any episode or movie that I have seen. Perhaps it is just compressed air, Or using the same technique as the food replicators, the objects are real. Then what do the projectors project ? They would be replicators.

I think it is a tough Job to make that clear smiley - goodlucksmiley - smiley"

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 12

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

that is the kind of information i was thinking of ... but is that speculation or have you got sources for that?
smiley - towelNerd42

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 13

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit sourceless
"It is the sum of what they say and show about the holotechnique in the series (Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager) and in the more recent movie pictures.

Or: it is just speculation, based on the series. "

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 14

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Well ... I'm pretty sure that food that the you eat in the holodeck stays in your stomach ... they say early on in TNG that the holodeck is based on replicator technology, and replicators make all the food already. Everything you touch on the holodeck is actually replicator matter. It's only the intangible or distant things that are holograms.
smiley - towelNerd42

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 15

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit without The Next Generation on Digital Versatile Disk
"What I remember of the introduction was one of the women beeing glad you can eat as much as you like without gaining weight.

And a remark of 'Riker' that you do not get drunk by using 'holografic' drinking. "

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 16

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Where? Which episodes?
smiley - towelNerd42

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 17


Don't know. Care to elaboate TiT? This has potential EGness...

A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 18


Over six months since the author has posted, propose a move to the Flea Market for this Entry smiley - smiley


A5263175 - Holodecks

Post 19



smiley - panda

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