A Conversation for Whose Line is it Anyway - A (not so) temporary Home

Each post a limerick

Post 2161


Several rhymes work with "Limerick"
Go to "Rhymer.com" and make a click
It'll show you cool rhymes
Hundreds of times
Just make sure that your scansion is rhythmic.

Each post a limerick

Post 2162


'Limerick' is a real challenge. I probably posted this one before, but this is my best shot:

There was a young fellow from Limerick
Who said to a cross-channel swimmer, "Ic'
Bin Irlander -- du?"
"Qu'est-ce tu dis? Tu es fou?"
Yes, his German appearance was chimeric.

Each post a limerick

Post 2163

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

Since there are some pros assembled, I'd love to know the actual limerick made up on the spot (so I hear) by James Joyce. I heard that when challenged by a disagreeable woman in his audience to come up with a rhyme using her name, 'Qumby'. Here's as best I can remember it:

How red is the hair on Miss Qumby
It's a great deal redder than some be
The hair on her head
Is so flamingly red
How red must the hair on her bum be?

Each post a limerick

Post 2164

You can call me TC

She should have seen that coming - she was rather asking for it!

Oh sorry -

If your name rhymes with a word that is naughty
You shouldn't have airs and be haughty
Least of all to your betters
Or clever men of letters
Or you'll be in for a bashing - or forty!

Each post a limerick

Post 2165

clzoomer- a bit woobly

As mentioned I live in Vancouver,
Which rhymes fairly well with a Hoover,
So women from here
Have much they should fear,
Included in poems that have veiled sexual innuendo.

Oh, no- I meant:

*I'll find one and then have to prove 'er*

Each post a limerick

Post 2166


Continuing the theme (well, sort of)...

A virgin named Geraldine Hick,
Would turn pale at the sight of a dick.
No amount of coersion
Would cure this aversion.
(Though she often enjoyed a good lick).

smiley - winkeye

Each post a limerick

Post 2167


Never heard of that Joyce limerick, Pailaway, but it looks pretty credible to me!

Each post a limerick

Post 2168

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

It's important when listening to Joyce
Never to raise up your voice
For if you do
Then a limerick or two
Will be flung with some words that are choice

Each post a limerick

Post 2169

McKay The Disorganised

In the real world my surname is Beamish
Its usage on paper not ream-ish
Previously mentioned in rhyme
Just one single time
By C. Dodgson in a verse not for the squeamish

smiley - cider

Each post a limerick

Post 2170

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Well my name in R-L is Lawrence,
In lyric some may have writ torrents,
The desert one wrote,
One more in a boat,
And I come up short with no warrants.

(Dad in the RN, I can't get arrested) smiley - tongueout

Each post a limerick

Post 2171

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

Speaking of names, and while I try to come up with something on mine:

I've got a new neighbor named bartfarst
Who make a huge din when his car starts
Once the engine is hot
Then he's off like a shot
Passing police all sweaty and barge-arsed

Each post a limerick

Post 2172


"And this our life exempt from public haunt,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in every thing."
--Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act II Scene I

Whatever befalls will confim and
Support one whose mind is determined.
A pompous ass drones
About 'sermons in stones':
When I'm stoned, I feel stoned and not sermoned.

Each post a limerick

Post 2173


My mind is a festering midden
Where limericks bubble unbidden.
I put them about
When they force their way out
Though a few of them still remain hidden.

Each post a limerick

Post 2174

McKay The Disorganised

My mind is slumbering swamp
Lethargic, humid, and damp.
Such thoughts as arise
I usually despise
My brain is held in a clamp.

smiley - cider

Each post a limerick

Post 2175


The mind of most men is a sewer
Where good stuff is mixed with manure.
The product ejected
Is not unexpected:
Deep brown, with some bits that are bluer.

Each post a limerick

Post 2176

McKay The Disorganised

Is smut purely written by men ?
Do girls not indulge now and then ?
Do they not write on walls
In toilets and halls
Not even Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen ?

smiley - cider

Each post a limerick

Post 2177


For a massage, a taste of delight,
Call, a 1, then 4 sevens - 28.
I'll be at your command
What'ere you demand.
(As long as it don't involve sh*te.)

Each post a limerick

Post 2178

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

Good limericks all come from the gutter
And whether you're sane or a nutter
It's all the same sh*te
That we'll sit down to write
As the monkeys will throw at each other

Each post a limerick

Post 2179

McKay The Disorganised

But I compose amongst dreaming spires
Suppressing the basest of desires
From my verse I eschew
anything thats blue
Except ladies with buttocks like jelly filled tyres.

smiley - cider

Each post a limerick

Post 2180


The mental material swirls
As we fashion our fanciful pearls.
There pours from our ivory
Towers salivary
Slop about fat-bottomed girls.

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