This used to be me...

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NINETEEN THOUSAND CHILDREN die every day as a result of unserviceable debts owed by the World's poorest contries.
That's nineteen thousand children who don't get to join h2g2, for example, who don't get to have an education, who don't get to enjoy growing up with their friends, who don't get to do things like travel the world, who don't get to have families of their own... although all these things have pitfalls, but they don't even get to try.
What can you do? Visit, or to get some more information.

And now about me...

Hi there, I'm Joanna smiley - smiley

She's the one who...

I'm a physics student...

...please don't look at me like that, I'm not insane, honestly I'm not... smiley - winkeye

Faculty of Science

I study in Durham, which has its so-beautiful Cathedral, but I come from Didsbury, in Manchester. I was born on the 200th aniversary of the discovery of the planet Uranus, and narrowly escaped being called "Urana" by my mother, which would have been absolutely terrible... I've always appreciated how important my towel is, from the very first time I tried to run away from home when I was around 3 or 4 years old- I took my toy dog, a tin of water, and a towel.

I like to sing. Well actually I love to sing. I sing all the time... ...except when I'm playing flute, or sitting in the computer room. I'm very fond of classical music, in general my favourite composers are either English or Russian, but this is liable to change without notice. a Guru

The Gurus are here to answer you h2g2 questions. So if you have one, either ask in the Feedback forum or ask me in my personal space, and the answer shall be found for you. smiley - smiley an ACE

For lo, the people of h2g2 were unable to find their way around the site, and they wished for guidance, saying, O Powers who work very hard, you gave unto us Peta the mighty Community Editor, and Abi who verily does deputise her in her job, but truly, this is not enough, for two alone cannot welcome the multitudes of newcomers to the site, and cannot know of all the things which happen thereon.

So the Powers that work very hard wondered what they could do, and asked unto each other, What shall we do? And they instituted the ACEs, and called them Assistant Community Editors, and sent them forth to welcome those researchers who had come newly to the site, and to help those researchers which were in need.

And there was much rejoicing, and the people of h2g2 were greatly pleased. smiley - smiley Princess of Darkness

So people keep asking me, "Why the Princess of Darkness suffix?"

Well, my favourite alcoholic drink is Tia Maria [URL removed by Moderator] and Cola. A while back they ran an advertisement campaign in the UK with the slogan

Have you met the Princess of Darkness?

- So I decided to become Princess of Darkness.

Don't believe that I'm Princess of Darkness?? Read Poems written by me.2

Still don't believe me?? Visit Njan (Prince of Darkness).

Really having difficulty with your belief today?? Be Cursed.

...sells donuts

Perhaps you'd like to Buy Donuts from my stall at The H2G2 WaterWorks and Beach, just fill in my auto-post box!


I'd love a donut, Joanna. Please can I have a [enter type here]?


Thanks to The Cheese. Based on an original idea by Vegiman:-)

Read the Menu! a member of some other h2g2 things, too

Musicians Guild Member

Here are some other things that your local friendly Dark Princess participates in...

  • I am a member of the h2g2 Musicians Guild,
    which is a virtual club for musicians, singers, composers, and other
    music aficionados at h2g2.

  • My computer has been getting bored recently. She says I don't give her enough data3. So I'm now participating in The SETI@home Project.

  • My other home is a Musehome

...has a fish

smiley - fish This is Leazes, my fish, that Eomando gave me4 You may see him around... or click on him to visit him!5

I also have a new and improved website: Please note that its only new and improved from my old website which wasn't great at all...

I'm trying to live without my counter at present. smiley - winkeye

Email me: [email protected]

Go on... you know you want to...please?smiley - winkeye Send a very short message to my phone6  [email protected]

You could also try ICQ.. my number is 67945022.... I think...

...has pictures!!

I have my meetup pictures from the Scottish Researchers do. *evil smiley:smiley - smiley

...thinks you should...

Here are places I think you should go to now7... well, after you've left me a message!

A random thought for the moment...

Contribute a Random Thought.
1This image isn't relevant to anything. I just like it; I took it in Prague in September. smiley - smiley2At your own peril, though... I'd appreciate feedback, too.3I think I do, but thats another story...4He's a normal goldfish, not like some of Fenny's fishes, but I still love him.5Leazes likes visitors very much6140 characters tops... including who you are on h2g2, hopefully in the subject. My phone doesn't understand HTML, which is a shame...7The entry, person, link and thought are all randomly generated, & theoretically will be different each time you visit... ...knowing my luck they won't though, & there'll probably be a blank space 'cause I've got an error in my script. Me? Optimistic? Never! smiley - winkeye

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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