A Conversation for Talking Point: h2g2's move to the BBC

Name for the moderators

Post 1

Martin Harper

I propose that the moderators be known henceforth as the "square brackets" - just like the inhouse team are called the Italics...

Anyone got any better suggestions? smiley - winkeye

Name for the moderators

Post 2


Howsabout "the snips"?

Name for the moderators

Post 3

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Thanks for spreading the idea, Lucinda... only square brackets is a bot long.


Name for the moderators

Post 4

Martin Harper

Or just squacks?

Sorry - I should have given you credit for the idea.

Name for the moderators

Post 5

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

that's cool, although I did notice. then I chided my proud self for noticing. then I thought yeah well it was my idea, and then you posted your sorry. so, cool smiley - smiley

Squacks is good, but it might give rise to some questions. easily sorted out though. les do it! Listen, you and I are talking a lot about mod- squacks right now, let's start using the new name... smiley - devil

Name for the moderators

Post 6


The Vogons.
After all, their job is to demolish things.

Name for the moderators

Post 7

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

another good one!
I'm in doubt!
But I think I like vogons even better!

what you, lucinda?

Name for the moderators

Post 8

Martin Harper

Hmm... I like Vogons - it's nice and short - though I'm worried TPTB might complain if we start comparing the squacks to aliens with dubious abilities in poetry...

Let's see what everyone else comes up with... smiley - winkeye

Name for the moderators

Post 9


How about "The Prefects"

As in the meaning of the word "a senior school pupil authorized to maintain discipline" , but the name also has a HH connection.

Name for the moderators

Post 10

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I like "prefects" better. Vogons may be a really cool name, but it sounds a little.... antagonistic?

smiley - smiley

Name for the moderators

Post 11


Prefect's pet! smiley - nahnah

Name for the moderators

Post 12

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Aw..jeepers. Antagonistic? No way.

* See, I can manage my vocabulary (content)
but I am not going to have someone moderating
my attitude (context).. The HOUSE does not RULE.*

What did they call the 'moderators' in 1984?

Name for the moderators

Post 13

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Yes, the prefect's cat, actually....

smiley - cat

Name for the moderators

Post 14


I've just read on the "h2g2 chat" Yahoo! board that the "moderators" deleted a forum posting because it contained a certain outrageous four-letter word. Obviously I mustn't repeat the word for fear of spreading shock and panic, but it means "posterior", begins with "a", ends in "e" and rhymes (appropriately enough) with "farce".


Definitely. smiley - steam

Name for the moderators

Post 15


Vogons sounds right to me, Ormondroyd.

Alternatively, it could be the Thought Police. smiley - smiley But be careful not to antagonise them. They may come and attach virtual rats to our faces!

Name for the moderators

Post 16


How about
[Name removed by Users]

Name for the moderators

Post 17

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

I've heard about a posting being deleted because it contained a fairly innocuous word (these days), but can anyone substantiate this? If it's true I will be very disappointed in the PTBs.

Name for the moderators

Post 18

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I had originally been told that posts with "obscene" words were simply having the words bleeped out, rather than having the post deleted altogether.

HOWEVER, if the moderator is unsure about a post, they have to refer it to TPTB. Any referred post is *temporarily* blocked from sight until the powers have a chance to look it over.

An important thing to remember is that these moderators are ALL new on the job, and it's more than likely that they'll be a tad overly cautious for the first week or two, until they get a clearer idea of the boundaries.

Frankly, if cutting back on the "coarse" language is the only price I have to pay to have access to a site like this, I don't mind paying the price. TANSTAAFL. Admittedly, the BBCs idea of what constitutes obscene may be different than mine, but 1) he who pays the piper calls the tune, and 2) I think my vocabulary can be creative enough to compensate.

smiley - ok

Name for the moderators

Post 19

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

I agree entirely. If people can't make a point without resorting to swearing then it's just too [expletive deleted by moderator] bad smiley - smiley

Name for the moderators

Post 20

Mark Moxon

Absolutely. No Moderator should be deleting a message simply because it contains swearwords - they should be ***-ing them out. If this is happening, it's vital that you tell Peta on her Space, quoting the posting and forum numbers. Then she can look into it.

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