A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 561

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Jesus boot. And vote Clive, all of you!

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 562

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Sorry about the jesus shoe. Rhyming: why are you?

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 563

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - ermWell, alright, but you'd better vote Clive.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 564

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

We do not respond to enemy threats! Friendly threats, yes! But not enemy ones!

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 565

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ralph, that link for popcorn does work, it just takes a long time for it to download.

I am not your enemy EC.. and I have not threatened you.. yet smiley - winkeye

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 566

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I'm watching you and nothing will remove my vigilent gaze! ... Exceeeeeept the new Lysol cleaner! Cleans the dirtiest of stains!

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 567

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Not Found

The requested URL /popcorn/Un...nown - Popcorn (original).mp3 was not found on this server.
Apache/2.0.54 (Win32) PHP/5.0.3 Server at andekraund.ath.cx Port 80

Yeah, great song???

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 568

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

smiley - biggrin

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 569

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

A.K.A. It doesn't work.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 570

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Here, this one should work: http://andekraund.ath.cx/popcorn/Unknown%20-%20Popcorn%20(original).mp3

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 571

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

The action was aborted while connecting to the website.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 572

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

"Hmm..." mused the cat as he clicked on the link. He never could resist his curiosity. The link, however only dissapointed. "Cannot find server" it loudly proclaimed.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 573

Cosmic Llama - I.M.M.A.C.O.R- Co Founding Member. Desparately seeking a cause!!!

Just wondering, does the Vote Clive campaign have a proper campaign badge that I can put on my PS, instead of GodBen's Vote Jack badge that i messed around with and made pink?

smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - evilgrin

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 574

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Theres a Vote Clive on my My Space that you can yoink.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 575

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Yes, there's the blue one I made. You can see it on the Thingite page.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 576

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Or you could do that...

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 577

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Indeed, so far only four campaigns have badges, two of them were made by me, the other two are copies of the Thingite one. So I'm just going to say that I designed all the badges for this election. smiley - biggrin

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 578

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

You could also do that. And I'm going to spread nasty rumors about you that your name is really Ishmael.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 579

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

smiley - yikes How did you know?!

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 580


smiley - badgersmiley - badger who has badgers ?

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