A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 541

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing


Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 542

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - rofl

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 543

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing


Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 544

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Why do you keep saying that?

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 545

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Why do people keep asking me why I say Blarg?

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 546

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Because they want to know?

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 547

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

But I'm tired of explaining it smiley - sadface

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 548

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Why not write it in your journal and link to it when people ask?

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 549

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

... Thats actually an idea. But not right now. Blarg! I'll explain it one last time!

Blarg is just a convienent personal expression of confusion, irritation, anger, whatever that I use.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 550

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Oh, right.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 551

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Basically its a everyword.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 552

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

That's good.

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 553

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

So what's your campaign song?

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 554

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Lovely Thing, wonderful Thing. Lovely Thing, wonderful Thing. Thing, Thing, Thing, THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 555

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Very nice. Ours is Popcorn. smiley - smiley

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 556

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Hah. Popcorn. smiley - popcorn

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 557

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yep! Popcorn!

EC.. You did promise to Vote For Jack!! smiley - biggrin

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 558

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Yup, you can't beat Popcorn: http://andekraund.ath.cx/popcorn/Un...nown%20-%20Popcorn%20(original).mp3

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 559

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Aparently, you can. The link doesn't work!smiley - winkeye

Thingite Potential Campaign Office (Presidential Running Mates Apply Within)

Post 560

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Why are you saying this on the thingite thread? Besides, I already admitted I was a jesus shoe, what more do you want?

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