A Conversation for Haiku Challenge!!!

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 101

Ming Mang

Renting costs money
Money makes lots of problems
Problems are for rent?!

Next: burning bushes (no, not the american president... well, if you want to...)


Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 102

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

burning bushes have
religious significance.
it's in the Bible.

nt: Thor, god of Thunder.(it's Thursday(Thor's day))

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 103

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

TWANG!! rumble-dumble!
Uhh, missed again. Young god Thor
had to train a lot.

next: missing targets

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 104

E G Mel

Water gushing down
birds siging in the tree tops
Ooops my targets missed

Next : paperchase smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 105

Ming Mang

Paper blowing in
The wind is difficult to
Catch when chasing it

Next: green pillowcases


Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 106


Green Pillowcases,
Red Mat, Mauve silken sheet,
Movie star bordello

Next: My False Memories

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 107

Ming Mang

False memories and
True memories, who can tell
The difference there?

Next: future memories


Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 108


future memories,
ripe blossom ready to bud,
tender wish to hold,

Next: two hot cups of tea

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 109


future memories,
ripe blossom ready to bloom,
tender wish to hold,

Next: Our Human Error

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 110

E G Mel

I spilt two tea cups
they are extremely hot, ouch
my Human Error

Next : potatoes

Mel smiley - hsif

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 111

Ming Mang

Potatoes boiled,
Mashed, scalloped, roasted or raw
Always good for you

Next: soil


Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 112


rich soil in my mouth
feel the grit, lifes first showing,
taste strong, stirring start

Next: Pulse

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 113

E G Mel

boomti boom boomti
please don't let it stop today
prays for DNA

Next : life (not depressing if possible!)

Mel smiley - hsif

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 114


Life, exciting sweat,
action, thoughts, smell, smiles - I get it!
happy addiction


Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 115

E G Mel

red red rubies glow
green green emeralds glisten
blue blue saphires shine

Next : swimwear

Mel smiley - hsif

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 116

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Forgot my swimwear
Er.., does it suffice if I
paint my privates blue?

next: artwork smiley - winkeye

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 117

Thorfin Skullsplitter, berserk warrior (1+6)*(1+7-2+0)=42

Some people just throw
paint on a canvas and then
say that it is art

Why do they do this?
It is not a masterpiece
just some blobs of paint

Whatever happened
to art that actually
ought to be called art

sorry, I couldn't fit everything I wanted to say in one single haiku

next: St. Bernards

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 118

Metal Chicken

My Nan's dog Stroller
His paws bigger than my head
Played with me gently

Next: thunder and lightening

Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 119

Ming Mang

Boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom

Those of you who have watched Blackadder ought to get this. smiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley If not, I can't be bothered to explain.

Next: Blackadder


Haiku Challenge!!!!

Post 120


Black Adder orders
Baldrick tries to obey, but
nothing goes right

Next: Beer

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