A Conversation for HEAVEN...
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Oct 11, 2002
*drags in several assorted bags of dusty stuff from last year's Hallowe'en Ball*
*sprays a few webs in the corners*
*sprinkles dust around to help the Learner
*pads walls to save *
*inspects Archangel Kes's special batch of *
*dips spoon in*
*spoon melts*
Everything's ready for Sunday's ceremony!
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
TBC Posted Oct 11, 2002
*walks in wearing "Matrix style" clothing and looking nervous*
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Oct 11, 2002
*floating in, making sure there are plenty of comfortable armchairs for s and yet-to-be-
*samples Archangel Kes' PGGB*
*samples some more*
*drops into comfy armchair*
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!! Posted Oct 12, 2002
wonderin should i walk float or
in here
oh goody plenty o paddin on the walls i need that the way i keep bouncin all over
oh n even better plenty o drinks think i,ll just ave a few oh n a few
oh look at me im
think i,ll just float here a while
hiya all
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Tubaman Posted Oct 12, 2002
limps in as has just dropped Tuba on foot
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Oct 12, 2002
*arrives wearing her spookiest outfit*
*throws a few more webs about*
*picks up bucket of *
*licks lips*
I think it needs some more......
*pours in bucket*
Mussssssssh better..........
*staggers over towards Arch Titania*
Niche outfit.......Arch T....who are you? ?
? I'm feeling a lickle bit....
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Oct 12, 2002
*opens one eye*
*spies *
*opens another eye*
*flies past*
*opens yet another eye*
{I told you I was in my spookiest outfit}
Any more of that left?
*gold brick smacks AGB on the head*
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
broelan Posted Oct 13, 2002
*flutters in, careful not to disturb... um, anyone*
*reserves a seat right up close (by putting a in it), because she'll be a teeny bit late tomorrow*
*goes off to decide what to wear *
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Kes Posted Oct 13, 2002
*Drags in another seasonal cauldron of PGGB*
There! That should keep the regulars happy for a while. Now ... let's get ready ...
*Gently removes the ceremonial Sainting Sword from its leather case, and holds it out at arm's length. Shafts of reflected sunlight dart around the room - due to the sword shaking.*
Ah! Needs a bit of adjustment!
*Consumes a large PGGB, and holds the sword out again.*
There! Steady as a wozzit!
*Presses a small button on the side of the hilt. There is a faint grrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzllitt ! sort of noise, but nothing else.*
Darn! Flat batteries again!
*Rummages in pocket, opens hilt, inserts two AA batteries. Presses button ............ Zilch!
A cherub diplomatically points out that one of the batteries is in wrong way round.*
Ah, yes, of course! Thank you. Didn't have batteries in my day ... just a squad of small seraphim on exercise bikes, connected to a generator. Much more reliable ... mind you, the wires trailing from the sword got in the way of things a bit ...
*Switches battery around, replaces cover, presses button. The sword springs into sparkling life. Kes waves it around in practice. Two potted palms are savagely pruned, and one light fitting crashes to the ground.*
Good to know I haven't lost my touch! Just time for another PGGB, I think .....
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Galen Posted Oct 13, 2002
it was interesting enough, and funny for that matter, but it just did not have that special touch, i must need a blaster
*picks up gold brick from the floor and throws it back up to GOD so it will be reloaded in time for my PGGB*
*sips pggb*
*waits for a brick to hit him square in the face*
*waits some more*
Screw it, i knew i should have sent him something less valuble!
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Oct 13, 2002
*looks down at the *
*tiptoes away*
*waves finger at palms*
*palms mend good as new*
*gold brick hits on head*
*goes off to attend to *
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Oct 13, 2002
*stirs new batch of *
Excellent, Kes.
It just needs a little something......
*looks around*
*spies on seat*
*picks up and adds it to the cauldron of
*stirs with spoon*
*spoon melts*
*writes post-it note*
*sticks post-it note on side of cauldron*
*sprays a few more cobwebs around*
*disturbs a few *
* complains*
Go back to I'll fly over you.....
*flaps wings, hovers over *
*post-it note falls off cauldron, unnoticed by AGB*
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Oct 13, 2002
*knock knock*
*AGB looks around*
I wonder who's knocking on Heaven's door?
*flutters over to open door*
*almost falls down when she sees Ritchie Valens*
*Ritchie Valens hands AGB a Special Invitation to the Sainting Ceremony*
*AGB reads*
"Ritchie Valens is requested to escort a Learner Angel named Miztres who wishes to be known as the Patron Saint of Lost Songs"
Very appropriate, Mr Valens.
Please come in and sit down, make yourself at home.
Can I fetch you a Special
or a
? Or some of Archangel Titania's vintage
? I can recommend that...
*Ritchie Valens nods*
*AGB flies off to Heaven's Bar to collect bottle of for Ritchie Valens, humming "Tell Laura I love her" as she goes...
Key: Complain about this post
Hallowe'en Eve Spooky Ceremony
- 1: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 11, 2002)
- 2: TBC (Oct 11, 2002)
- 3: Titania (gone for lunch) (Oct 11, 2002)
- 4: St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!! (Oct 12, 2002)
- 5: Hati (Oct 12, 2002)
- 6: Tubaman (Oct 12, 2002)
- 7: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 12, 2002)
- 8: Hati (Oct 12, 2002)
- 9: Galen (Oct 12, 2002)
- 10: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 12, 2002)
- 11: The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin (Oct 12, 2002)
- 12: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 12, 2002)
- 13: The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin (Oct 12, 2002)
- 14: broelan (Oct 13, 2002)
- 15: Kes (Oct 13, 2002)
- 16: Galen (Oct 13, 2002)
- 17: Hati (Oct 13, 2002)
- 18: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 13, 2002)
- 19: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 13, 2002)
- 20: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 13, 2002)
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