Created | Updated Nov 18, 2002
Welcome to Heaven H.Q...
Anyone not either an Angel, or someone bearing an 'Access All Areas Pass To Heaven' or an entirely 'wholly' dead person, should leave now...I mean RIGHT NOW !!!
If you would really like to stay, please go and apply for Angel Membership
This is a slick foyer located in the heart of the Heavenly City complex. Tall 100ft windows catch the light from outside. One can look out on the Boulevard of Dreams, seeing all the inhabitants looking like they have just arrived from Florida, proving conclusively: Firstly, that fashion sense isn't a requisite for making it in the afterlife, and Secondly, that to live in a place like Florida, one doesn't necessarily need to have Altzeimers to be blissfully happy.
There are a number of places to visit here in Heaven. Here we have provided a number of links to the main sections...
This is Archangel Kes's, Wings Bar where Angels generally like to sit and chat over a drink, talk about today's adventures, and make future plans. All drinks come with compliments of the 'Management'. Just one of the perks of being 'Heaven Sent'. One of the advantages of such a place is that private business, not directly affecting the public can be discussed.
(So the Guardian Angels page is used solely for public face of the Guardian Angels...)
Behind the bar Saint Rasputin serves up his latest concoctions, that has so much kick, it's probably a good thing most of his clientele have 'passed-on'.
Apart from his famous St.Rasputin's Chemical Mindrotter, he has St.Joan's Firewater and Lazarus's Pick-Me-Up tonic, guaranteed to enliven proceedings...
To say he speaks in broken English would be an insult to the valiant attempts of our ape cousins. Indeed, his basic grasp of the Russian language bears testament to years of Vodka abuse, not lack of education. He relies far too heavily on dramatic bushy eyebrows, which have sent more than one young lady 'officially' Goo-Goo-Ga-Ga...
If you feel a little lost here the Commandments will give you some much needed advice for the novice Guardian Angel...
Please make sure you post here, so you can be informed about up and coming events. Plus, you can post your own events for other Angels to attend...
This thread offers a light hearted and informative look at being one of the heavenly sent...Galaxy Babe's Heavenly Beauty Haven
If you are having trouble putting your pages together, please ask the experts here:GuideML-Clinic
Here: Guardian Angel's Flight Log you can record any activities you have achieved as a Guardian Angel...
If you really require ongoing help, the lovely Archangels have set-up a page entirely devoted to helping new Angels out...
If you have any concerns about being a Guardian Angel please seek answers here...Archangels
Herald of Heaven is here...Herald of Heaven
Your current Herald is Herald Broelan
And finally...

Please join the Guardian Angels Yahoo group here:
GA group