A Conversation for Smudger Snippets


Post 1

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Pills, don't talk to me about pills!
I had to buy one of those flat plastic pill dispensers as have so many!
I am now down to 4 tablets am, 4 midday, and 5 at 9pm-ish. Although I have forgotten to take them sometimes, the pill dispenser is there to embarass me for forgetting!
I daren't take them anyway if forget one lot as double the amount would make me even more crazy,lol!


Post 2


Hi SS, Yes Mk2 has one of them dispensers that she has to top up every week, it has small drawers in it, so she can take them at different times. I just have the three strips and have to take them out as I need them, that's when they start to fly all over the placesmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 3

Nigel *ACE*

Hairspray mistakingly used as deodorant, I bet that stung smiley - grr.

I also take lots of medication, and the capsules are the worst at getting out of the bubble plastic. I usually end up pushing too hard, which bursts the capsule resulting in powder being dispersed everywhere smiley - laugh.

I can always remember grandad having to take these small type of tablet. He always used to end up dropping it, and when I went round I used to find them in some of the most weirdest of places. Like you say Smudger, how on earth can a little tablet roll the whole length of the room!

I used to pick up these tablets grandad dropped, and push them in the soil of one of his pot plants! Surprisingly, it did remarkably well smiley - laugh. So, there is a tip, if your house plant is looking a bit sick just push a couple of heart tablets in the soil smiley - laugh.

Thanks for the laugh Smudger smiley - ok.

Nigel smiley - footprints


Post 4

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

I think if I pushed one of my pills in a plant pot the plant would be asleep most of the day,lol!


Post 5


Aye! Youngsuper, it always happens at the same time when things like that start to happen, they always come in threes as wellsmiley - winkeye

Hi SS, no point in me doing that with any of my pills, we haven't got any house plantssmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 6

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Cor bilmey Smudger, see if you're supermarket is selling them cheap.
I find a few house plant brighten the place up and give me a purpose. I recomend an Amaryllis as cheap and huge!
They are blooming easy too, which helps for me, after all I am not Nigel with his gardening talents!
I can't believe I just said 'blooming' in relation to plants,lol!


Post 7


Aye! well you see, we never have any luck with house plants, they always die on us, yet the ones in the garden seem to do well? Someone gave us plant that they had for years, it died on us within a weeksmiley - wah

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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