A Conversation for Utopia Cafebar

Optimism is the way forward

Post 81

threeoftwo:- Alright, already!!!.

"Er- sorry to interrupt, but I'm tired out from struggling to find my way around this strange and wonderful new world,that is h2g2.Could I possibly come in and put my feet up for a while?"

Optimism is the way forward

Post 82

The Fish

Perfectly..... I just need to copy some more minidisc's.... smiley - biggrin

It would also help if it was nice and sunny outside... smiley - winkeye

I think I'm turning into a bit of a smiley - vampire
smiley - fish

Optimism is the way forward

Post 83


Does anyone fancy a nice cup of something?

smiley - coffee

*puts kettle on, decides to stay up all night*

I'll have to do my sleeping tomorrow evening. Never mind, i slept through most of yesterday... that means its tonight, by the way, if that makes any sense.

*realises extreme need for tea...*

back in a mo.




Post 84

The Fish

This post has been removed.

Optimism is the way forward

Post 85


oh no... you mentioned the w word. i don't have to do that for a few hours yet.

are dancing people really scary?


Optimism is the way forward

Post 86

The Fish

Well.... it is kind of strange.... especially the one on the home page.... smiley - erm

W*rk? What's that???...... Oh... I got my P45 through the other day.... A very proud moment it was.... smiley - biggrin

smiley - fish

Optimism is the way forward

Post 87


congrats on the P45. One of the major problems of setting up your own business is that its hard work.


Obviously the plan is to work really hard for a few years, and then just lay off a bit, potter in for the nice bits, and spend more time having fun.

i have to get the accounts done today though, then theres cackloads to do on't website.


still, got a great new purplevelvet dress on friday... there are many benefits and much fun to be had at work, when you make it up as you go along.


Optimism is the way forward

Post 88

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I wasn't convinced by you. Don't get me wrong, but I just decided to lay off on the cynicism for a while

Optimism is the way forward

Post 89


fair enough. Lay off the cynicism, have some smiley - cake


PS which bits aren't you convinced about?

Optimism is the way forward

Post 90

Uncle Heavy [sic]

that utopias are attainable. that people are fundamentally nice. that cake tastes nice. that them and us is really applicable: do you eat fin fast food restaurants? buy CDs? Designer clothes? eat/use brand named products (pringles/daz/bold/persil)? drive? anything like that? then you are one of them. And if you do none of those, you are one of us. But us is so laughable (swampy - hilarious) (those deluded people who think that putting little flowers down outside buckingham palace and defacing churchill will win respect).

I'm afraid that to break the system, you'll have to use the system to become respectrable and gain serious support that way.

But I dont want to be cynical.

Optimism is the way forward

Post 91


So don't be - just stay here and have some tea & cake.

Jenny I'm up at my Dads the moment so things are pretty tame right now.

Optimism is the way forward

Post 92



er.. I avoid eating in fast food restaurants - but more cos its overpriced and tastes of poo - i don't shop in supermarkets - more cos i don't have a car to get there, and I don't like like the bight lights and fake smells - and cos our local shops are tons better and cheaper. I don't buy designer clothes either...

But of course i use Procter and Gambol / Uilever cleaning products, i buy CDs from major record labels, I eat nestle chocolates, hob-nobs and used to drive a car. I've been know to drop litter, I read a newspapers (guess which one, and you're probably right) and crap glossies published by emap. Some of my underwear contains lycra by dupont, and dupont are one of the most sinister corporations i've encountered, but I also want my pants to stay up.

I entireley agree that the concept of us and them is a red herring. I do believe that if you had the chance to sit down with each individual in the world for a drink and a chat, you would find something good about all of them. Even despots and Thatcher tend to believe that what they are doing is for the greater good, at least for 'thier' peoples greater good.

Also, the WTO and TNCs keep coming up as 'baddies' in these conversations. i say that a corporation capable of producing the piece of chocolate heaven know as the chunky kit-kat can't be all bad, but thier pushing to sell powdered baby milk inappropriatley is worn and must be stopped.

Of course, whether i buy or don't buy kit-kats has no impact on thier 'powdered milk to the third world' division... But Mark Thomas had a good go at them recently, and have at least now agreed to translate thier labels correctly for each market in which they are sold... All we need now is legal regulation and spot checks by the corporate rules enforcers to ensure that they do as they should.

I don't think that we have strong enough legislation and enforcement for TNCs. I don't think there are corporate law enforcers capable of forcing these companies to comply with the law. Legislation to withstrain naked capitalist greed (eg against child slave labour in lancashires mills) has always been hard fought, but has been won in some areas. We need to keep up the pressure, and use all legitimate campaign strategies to see that universal human rights are observed, and that the law applies to all - from individuals, to heads of states, to nation states and corporate bodies. Then we can be a bit closer to utopia.

Yes, to break the system we have to become respectable. That is why i believe in consultation and consensus - possibly leading to collective direct action. Consumer boycotts., writing to MPs, the UN, the directors of the Corporations, all are worth trying.

see you soon


Optimism is the way forward

Post 93

The Fish

smiley - biggrin

I thought you might be a MT'product fan smiley - winkeye

smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Optimism is the way forward

Post 94

Peter aka Krans

Hmmm... quite pleasant really... smiley - smiley

(I'm mapping this place for the h2g2 Realisation Project)

Optimism is the way forward

Post 95

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

Hello all. Just popping around the threads. Maybe a new term is needed.... How about threadhopping? Anyway, I'm sorry, but I don't believe in Utopia. I have very little faith left in hummanity. But, don't hold that against me. I still try to be a nice guy. smiley - biggrin Incidentally, I'm from the US. Check out my personal page. If I'm not mistaken, you can link to it from my name above the post

Optimism is the way forward

Post 96

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

Hello all. Just popping around the threads. Maybe a new term is needed.... How about threadhopping? Anyway, I'm sorry, but I don't believe in Utopia. I have very little faith left in hummanity. But, don't hold that against me. I still try to be a nice guy. smiley - biggrin Incidentally, I'm from the US. Check out my personal page. If I'm not mistaken, you can link to it from my name above the post

Optimism is the way forward

Post 97

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

Gah! My words are reproducing asexually! *GASP* ::wanders off to make his particularly viscious yet tasty coffee::

Optimism is the way forward

Post 98


Ah another victem of the dreaded double post curse smiley - clown

Optimism is the way forward

Post 99

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

Ah ha. ::sips his mighty coffee:: Anyone want some?

Optimism is the way forward

Post 100


I'm fine with my smiley - stout

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