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Snide jokes

Post 18041

Heathen Sceptic

"As for Ghandi, there have been stories circulating, about the fact that he would take young girls to bed to 'test himself' - I wonder what they thought of it?"

IIRC, He took women to bed for that reason. Given the level of his sexual drive (according to his wife) he wouldn't require the women to be particularly young as a test, though, from memory, a number of the young women in his ashram took pleasure in volunteering for the task. It's all in his biography, which has been in print for, oh, how long? I think I read it about 15 years ago.

He either married or was betrothed at about the age of seven. By his early twenties he had a high sex drive, which drove his wofe to distraction, and continued until he turned to ascetism and gave up sex completely. He also would never eat until he was full, but would stop while he was still hungry. He also gave us Western clothes at around this time, though that was in order to encourage the population of India to spin their own cotton instead of buying English textiles, and so cut the ties of economic dependence upon Britain.


Post 18042

Heathen Sceptic

"I may have not made myself clear, I am *not* supporting the film, I simply thought that Matholwch was vastly over-reacting to it, by saying things like 'sinister stuff', as if it is some kind of bizarre conspiracy!"

Did he, Della? I must admit it didn't come across that way to me. I thought he said 'sinister stuff' to the idea of whole churches of adults in the US attending the film with their children, in order to indoctrinate the children. I have since read a report which confirms this is happening and in which the reporter admits he spent most of the film watching from behind his own fingers, and once wished to put his fingers in ears. I have to say that, if it had that impact on an adult it is not, IMO, a film to take children to.smiley - sadface


Post 18043

Heathen Sceptic

"I agree, but is bad for different reasons. It is bad because it decieves people into being sure of thngs they can't really be sure of, because it leads to self-riteusness and absolute certainty in many cases, and because it so often promotes falasies and falsehoods, and because it oftewns unifies people in error or acts to coordinate discrimination or aggression."

But so does all human activity, LB! Are you going to ban human nature as well as religion, food, sex etc??

I think you are taking too simplistic a line. *anything* can be misused, *any* subject can be subject to self-righteousness, deceit and discrimination. In all professions and field of human endeavour you will find deceit, self righteousness and discrimination. That is how people *are*. The secret is to overcome these acts in oneself, as far as one is able, and avoid supporting them in others, or in organisations.

"Nothing leads to real happyness; there is no such thing. Happyness is unattainable"

Sweetheart, do you ever consider suicide? I must admit I would if I felt like that. Have you considered consulting your High School counselling service?


Post 18044

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Della smiley - smiley

"I may have not made myself clear, I am *not* supporting the film, I simply thought that Matholwch was vastly over-reacting to it, by saying things like 'sinister stuff', as if it is some kind of bizarre conspiracy!"

Not conspiracy, but an organised and seriously thought out activity? These people have been interviewed and when challenged about taking their children to such a gore-fest have explained that their children must understand the suffering the Christ went through to save their immortal souls!!!

Last Autumn I was lucky enough to visit Albi in southern France. There is a magnificent 14th century cathedral there. On the end wall is a 20' high, 80' wide portayal of the Last Judgement and Hell. My wife and I took turns to go an look at it because we wouldn't expose our children to the nightmares it would give them. Yet there were parties of six year old school children being lectured in front of it by Jesuit Brothers.

What Mel is doing is not new. The christian churches have using images of hell to create fear, and laying on the gratitude 'we must all bear' for Christ's death, for nigh on two thousand years.

Let's see an organized and continuous act of propaganda, maintained for two thousand years. Nope, can't see any conspiracy there, no siree, just a random pattern of coincidental happenstance.

Matholwch /|\.

Snide jokes

Post 18045


The story of my experiments with truth can be read online or downloaded as a zip file.
Read it @ http://www.mahatma.org.in/books/showbook.jsp?book=bg0001&link=bg&id=1&lang=en

Download it @ http://www.mahatma.org.in/downloads/ebooks/ebooks.jsp?link=fd&cat=ebooks


Snide jokes

Post 18046

logicus tracticus philosophicus

As for Ghandi:: dont forget the "culture" in India is mant girls would be "married" or promised at 12/13.

using images of hell to create fear::Ahhh takes me back Dante's Inferno ,Thats a bedtime storysmiley - biggrin

Snide jokes

Post 18047

Heathen Sceptic

"using images of hell to create fear::Ahhh takes me back Dante's Inferno ,Thats a bedtime story"

It is, indeed. The Inferno is written to show how many clerics and popes end up in hell, as well as many of the corropt Florentine political society of the day. OTOH, Dante refuses to use the usual morality e.g. by placing simple adultery in the uppermost (i.e. the lightest punishment) circle and betrayal as the deepest. It's very subversive and satirical, as well as rejoicing in questions about science and true morality. All in beautiful poetry. I recommend the Dorothy L Sayers translation.

Altogether a joy to read. smiley - smiley

ps the Prugatorio is also a delight, but I could never cope with the Paradisio. So much more boring. smiley - biggrin

Snide jokes

Post 18048

Noggin the Nog

One wonders at what point an exagerated or distorted history becomes actually mythical?



Post 18049

Researcher 556780

uh, Della? I didn't think you was supporting the film, I thought that you thought correctly, that you thought it is rubbish...as you just stated smiley - winkeye

I was just merely responding to your post, not critizing what you thought...

vix - never very clear on much...smiley - laugh

Morning all, never too early for smiley - redwine


Post 18050

Researcher 556780

ummm that last post could be misread, what I meant to say, cos my fingers weren't in line with me brain, is that I thought, correctly, that you thought the film was rubbish, Della.

As for Math, I didn't think that he over reacted all, and was just merely intelligently pointing out historical faults in a concise and ledgible manner.

smiley - ok


Post 18051

Researcher 556780

HS smiley - biggrin

I agree with you, I didn't think that Math was over reacting at all, (just been reading the posts again) I rather thought that he mentioned conspiracy with tongue in cheek, being faintly dry at the same time about over zealousness of religion and conceptual ideas, and with some disgust about peoples lack of consideration when moulding grim stuff into young minds.

Della, I think that mebbe sometimes you read each word that affects you, literally, sometimes... and perhaps you should take more of a whole view of the context and the character that wrote it smiley - biggrinsmiley - cat I do not mean to be offensive of yourself or belittling you either smiley - smiley I think you have much to contribute and are very well read Della...smiley - magic I don't mean to sound patronizing either..smiley - smiley

Of course I need to practice what I preach too, as some of you may have observed sometime ago...smiley - winkeye I had a funny turn...smiley - boing

smiley - ok

vix - out to lunch smiley - teasmiley - burger

Snide jokes

Post 18052


Read more about 'Mohandas K. Gandhi' @ http://www.gandhiinstitute.org/8blunders.html#wealth



Post 18053

Researcher 556780

Reading my last post again, I think I come across as a knowall bitch? I don't mean too....*shrug* smiley - smiley Della, just don't mind me, I get a bit fluffy around the edges smiley - run I don't mean any harm smiley - biggrin

I'm not insecure, just not overly sure of whats going on smiley - winkeye

smiley - rainbow


Post 18054

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

No, it's okay, Vixen, I didn't think you were criticising me, I was just clarifying. From what I've read, I certainly wouldn't want to see the film! If children are being taken to see it, that's appalling, I wouldn't take mine, even though he's 17 now and plans to be a pathologist - and the older ones, when they were young, certainly not!


Post 18055

Researcher 556780

*phew* thats allright then smiley - winkeye

Pathologist - wow...


Post 18056

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

He's wanted to do that since he was 6 years old - I have no idea where he got the idea from. So this year, he's doing all science subjects and *one* 'arts' subject, because for medical school they have to pass one non-science course - he chose history. He's officially a nerd, and he has claimed that label with pride. (All his friends are maths nerds too.)


Post 18057

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Well according to that list I'm defnitely depressed Alji. The problem I have is it is usually just for a couple of weeks or a month each year between Jan-Mar and the Dr. wants to put me on anti-depressants for the foreseeable future. I see it as a manageable problem without using drugs.


Post 18058

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

"Nothing leads to real happyness; there is no such thing. Happyness is unattainable."

I think we need to distinguish between happiness as a temporary emotional state which is easily attainable and the idea that happiness is achievable as a long term aim.
All we can aim at is things we hope will make us happy like financial security but having achieved them find they do not in themselves garantee happiness.


Post 18059

Researcher 556780

Arn't some people actually sorta happy when they are in fact sad? Or at least they may sound sad to us, but really they are actually happy that they are sad?

Does anyone know what I mean?


Post 18060

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Nope no idea smiley - tongueout

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