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The God Thread...

Post 17641

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Yo, HS.

Not really, I was extrapolating (apparently intelligently) from what I had just read on this thread. I'd also had a brief Google. smiley - smiley I do have a way of grasping the essence of concepts quite rapidly. I tend to spew them out again rather quickly to see whether anyone salutes or clobbers me. If the latter, I know I have to think again. Thanx 4 saluting! smiley - biggrin


The God Thread...

Post 17642

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

< I have already written that there is no morality attached to wyrd, so it would only be likened to Providence by Christians. Heathens did not see it that way.>

I don't doubt that Xians nicked the concept from Heathens and tacked morality onto it - as they tend to do! smiley - smiley I have read that even the gods are subject to Wyrd. (deserves the initial upper case, surely).


The God Thread...

Post 17643

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH


<... the idea of the universe as a set of rules of transformation, ...>

Buddy of mine on my IM service, AIM, has been trying to teach me about Fourier and Laplace transforms. I'm struggling a bit. Are these rules anything like that, or does EN have something to say about it?


The God Thread...

Post 17644

Noggin the Nog

I'm not sure, toxx. Mathematics rather foxes me, I'm afraid.


The God Thread...

Post 17645

logicus tracticus philosophicus

dont let it just mathmatics is fluid there will always be more than one way in most equations to get te the same answer,mathmatics is just learning those alternatives,at the heart of every (sum)there will be simple explanations 2+2=4 but so is 3+1

The God Thread...

Post 17646

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

AtheistM, it is a myth that unbaptised babies go to hell. I am sick of stating this, as one particular person wants to (claim to) believe it - but nevertheless, it's the case.
Infant baptism is therefore a social and community thing (that's why I had one son 'dedicated' (Salvation Army) and the younger baptised.("C. of E.")

The God Thread...

Post 17647


The Laplace and Fourier transforms are mostly used in electronics, and are quite specialised mathematical concepts. (I remember using the Laplace transform in Experimental Mathematics.) I think he means more basic things, like spatial and temporal transformations, and perhaps energy transformations.

A transformation is basically a mapping from one state to another.

- Jordan

The God Thread...

Post 17648


I believe Catholics say they go into limbo, which isn't either Heaven or Hell.

- Jordan

The God Thread...

Post 17649


Limbo sounds scary enough to me.


The God Thread...

Post 17650


I think the point is that it's not either place. The blessing is that you don't suffer, and you're in a relatively comfortable (even paradisiacal) state; the irony is that you'll never truly know what heaven or being in God's presence is like.

So far as I recall from a Catholic dictionary I read about eight years ago!

- Jordan

The God Thread...

Post 17651

Ragged Dragon

Della et al

Yep, hell is a myth.

Hel, however, is the abode of Hella, the daughter of Loki, and is the abode of some of the dead.

And of Baldur, so it can't be that bad, can it?

Jez - heathen and witch, and occasional writer of Loki's poetry smiley - smiley

The God Thread...

Post 17652

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

I thought they had some connection to relativity; but I don't understand it if they do. I don't really know what they are.

The God Thread...

Post 17653

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

Wouldn't a better blessing be to simply not being--limbo could get boreing after a few thousand years?

"And of Baldur, so it can't be that bad, can it?"

If you have to live forever, it might well be rather bad. You'd have to get bored eventually.

The God Thread...

Post 17654


Apropos my last post, people cut bits of my argument, which was meant to be taken whole, out and regarded the eviscerated sections. The crux of my point, all things revolving around it, is that god is not applicable to our notions.
GOD embodies contradiction. So, though we are bound by our perceptions of true/false, god would not be. Furthermore, stating that something is infinitely different, of scopes we can never grasp is NOT defining the diferences. It is, rather, an attempt to communicate a concept about the impossible depth and extent of them. And about the vampires, I think it was Jez.
I don't know why I picked vampires. In many naturalistic or polytheistic faiths gods kill one another, so they CAN die, but the vampire thing? That's just out of left field. Didn't mean to offend your faith or anything.

Apatheologian The Atheistic Once-Catholic.
(But no more.)

The God Thread...

Post 17655

Researcher 556780

Good grief that was allot to wade thro since the weekend!!

smiley - bookmark

The God Thread...

Post 17656

Ragged Dragon


>>If you have to live forever, it might well be rather bad. You'd have to get bored eventually.<<

But there are so many things to do - and in some threads of heathenry, reincarnation within the kin group seems to have been possible smiley - smiley

Personally, I am looking forward to rejoing some of my friends and kin, and to having a great 'time' (though I doubt that the flow of time is coherent within the nine (three) worlds) with them until or unless I am reborn within my kingroup or friendship group (or maybe pre-born... that would also be fun - who says time has to be linear within the universe as a whole smiley - smiley)

I think with so many wights to meet and so much to do, the 'time' leading up to Ragnarok will fly past smiley - smiley

Jez - heathen and witch

The God Thread...

Post 17657

Ragged Dragon


>>I don't know why I picked vampires. In many naturalistic or polytheistic faiths gods kill one another, so they CAN die, but the vampire thing? That's just out of left field. Didn't mean to offend your faith or anything.<<

No worries, my dear.

I have no particular feeling one way or another about vampires, I just don't want Buffyism confusing people smiley - smiley

Jez - heathen and non-Willowesque witch

The God Thread...

Post 17658


I actually never heard the term 'limbo' when I was growing up - it was called Purgatory. And it wasn't described as a 'neither here nor there' place but a place where we would suffer very badly, albeit temporarily, until our unclean souls were purged and deemed fit to enter heaven.

At least, this is what I remember from my catechism classes.


The God Thread...

Post 17659


Sorry, forgot to put that my last posting was a reply to Jordan.



Post 17660

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Della smiley - angel

"...it is a myth that unbaptised babies go to hell. I am sick of stating this, as one particular person wants to (claim to) believe it..."

I assume it is me to whom you refer, The co-founder of the Sulphur Outfall No.4 Gang? You seem to forget that it was an argument I used when sparring with the several evangelical fruit-baskets we had here in the early days (pre-10,000 mostly). You know that I don't think that you, or Jordan, or any of the ordinary Christians hold to such hogwash. Or do you?

As a matter of interest why does baptism matter? And if you are not baptised what happens to you in the end times in Christian mythology? After all I was christened and confirmed in the Catholic Church (my mother still has my confirmation bible, just in case smiley - winkeye), but I doubt that will hold much water when if I end up before your Big G.

Matholwch /|\.

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