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no proof

Post 26201


there is not actuly any proof that god egsists, that's why i dont belive in him

Papal infalibility?

Post 26202

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Astro smiley - smiley

"You left out the 'Johnny-cum-latley' druids, they're not much older than the pesky Christians."

Really? And what, pray, do you base that assumption on?

It is now widely accepted in the archaeological community that druidry, or brythonic priesthood, started here in Britain and then spread across the nearer parts of the Continent. We are homegrown mate, not one of these incomers...smiley - tongueout

That said there seem to be hell of a lot of merkins playing at druid over the pond. You can keep them smiley - biggrin.

Matholwch .

no proof

Post 26203

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Cyberjacob smiley - biggrin

"there is not actuly any proof that god egsists, that's why i dont belive in him".

A thoroughly healthy viewpoint, except for one small corollary...
there is not actually any proof that gods don't exist.

Eddie and the atheist militia should be in here in a minute to back you up CJ, so don't fret smiley - laugh

Matholwch .

Feral brython, tree-whisperer, hengeware analyst and professional fool.

no proof

Post 26204


Hengeware analyst? Aren't the henges older than druidry? Certainly the normal line we get these days with Stonehenge is 'we used to think it was use by druids in their sacrifices, but actually it predates them'.

no proof

Post 26205

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Bouncy smiley - biggrin

Indeed, but remember that 'druid' is just the name the classical world had for the brythonic priesthood. We were here long before they ever encountered us, and had our own names.

I use the term here as a self-descriptor, as it is one most people can get a grip upon. The truth is that I am not a Druid. Not as you might understand it from the MBS section of Waterstones.

I am a practitioner of a brythonic spirituality that has survived, more or less intact, despite 1500 years of christian dominance.

We were there when the great henges were built, and we are still here.

I now await Eddie's scorn...smiley - laugh

Matholwch .

Papal infalibility?

Post 26206


Just rattling your cage Cr.

I watched an interesting programme about Knutsford this morning.

"The Brythonic Priesthood"

Post 26207

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

A priest represents God to the people, and the people to God (pluralize as appropriate). The best study of priesthood may be in To a God Unknown. I've not read much Steinbeck, but I must admit he writes with power.

This being the case, in what sense is druidry a priesthood? What people do you represent to the gods?

Like Rosa Dartle, I ask only for information.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

"The Brythonic Priesthood"

Post 26208

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Trig smiley - smiley

One has to consider the context in which Steinbeck made his statement. He was part of an all-embracing abrahamic society, where the priesthood had long established themselves as the sole channel to reach the godhead, or in deed receive its 'wisdom'.

The purpose of a priesthood changes depending on each society's relationship to its gods. Modern druids see themselves more as having a personal prelature, where the title of 'Druid' is more a symbol of respect for wisdom and knowledge given by one's peers. Each person is capable of their own relationship to the gods without the interference so common in the abrahamic faith.

The pre-christian brythonic priesthood were part of a tribal society where each member had to pull their weight. Thus their contribution developed over time into becoming the, for want of a better term, 'loremasters'. Through carefully developed mnemonic techniques they held huge amounts of information important to their society.

From what we can tell, and what has been passed down, the role of this priesthood was not to represent the people to the gods. If anything they helped their people by equipping them with the techniques and perception to deal with their gods directly. The priests were seen as counsellors, mediators, teachers and healers.

The only person I represent to the gods is myself, and that not always so well smiley - erm

Matholwch .

"The Brythonic Priesthood"

Post 26209

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

I put it all down to the purple silksmooth socks myself. They don't prickle enough.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26210



I believe God doesn't hate homosexuals. I don't think it will ever be proved that he does.

I believe that God loves homosexuals, not because they are homosexual, but because they are human.

I believe that God also loves Osama Bin Laden and Hitler, while we're on the subject of who God loves.

You have probably heard 'hate the sin, love the sinner' before though haven't you?

I hope these are conclusions you have already come to.

(Please don't think that I am being trite with this. That is not my intention)

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26211

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Phew. A reply to post 42. You've dropped into a very very long conversation here, with a vast amount of topic drift. I haven't seen Semaj around any time recently.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26212


Have you seen godhatesfags.com yet? They have over 700 reasons, backed up by scripture, of why 'God is love' is false.

Obviously someone there has far too much time on their hands and vitriol in their bellies.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26213

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Hmm. Believe it or not, yours is actually the first reply to post 42. Semaj hasn't posted anywhere on site since November 2002, so you're unlikely to get a responce from him.

Now, tell me on what basis you think that God loves Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden? I was told that it isn't up to us to judge whom God may or may not love, but that there exist some whom he doesn't.

On the other hand,

"If I can't love Hitler, I can't love at all." - The Rev. A. J. Muste.


TRiG.smiley - smiley

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26214

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Impfistplayer smiley - smiley

OK, I think we've established you dropped in from a dead posting, but hey that doesn't mean we cannot discuss your points.

To whit:
"I believe God doesn't hate homosexuals. I don't think it will ever be proved that he does."

This all depends upon whether you believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God. If you do then I can provide plenty of scriptural evidence that would demnostrate He thinks they are an abomination and wants you kill them.

However, if you believe the Bible to be a human, and thus imperfect, interpretation of the intentions of God then your belief is just about as valid as any other's.

As for Osama (Aemrica's Little Helper as I prefer to call him) and Hitler, your belief is touching but naieve.

Matholwch .

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26215

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

Are we on about the God of the Bible here? If so:

Jesus and his band of 12 disciples would statistically contain a number of homosexuals.

It's therfore a paradox.

The Jewish God doesn't love homosexuals but Jesus, his son, does.

It's the same rule with Hitler.

I don't know enough about Bin Laden's God to comment. As a Muslim he has a different God to Hitler who was from a Roman Catholic family.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26216

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

"Jesus and his band of 12 disciples would statistically contain a number of homosexuals."

I take it you're assuming random sampling here, yes?


I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26217

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

Random sampling would probably work; a few shepherds, fishermen, tax collectors or whatever. On the other hand there weren't many women along. It was a close-knit, chummy, wine-swigging, outdoorsy group of young men with presumably the usual needs and desires. Jesus had no law of 3 year abstinence in his day! Every man was told to love his brother.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26218

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Lucky smiley - smiley

Given his Dad's penchant for stoning homosexuals it seems likely that none of his disciples were openly gay. However... it does give a new light to Judas's betrayal. Was he a closet gay...I'm really going to Hell now aren't I?

Unfortunately Bin Laden's God is also the God of the Jews and the Christians, they all trace their lineage back to Abraham. This internecine family struggle has blighted humanity's development for centuries. It is about time we told them all to ship off back to the middle east and sort themselves out.

Matholwch .

Local man, local gods.

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26219

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

They all have the same God??? Try telling them that!!!

I'm gonna raise a mass theological debate here: God; fact, or fiction

Post 26220

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Lucky smiley - smiley

I don't have to tell them that, they know it. They know they share common scripture and a lineage, and each will admit it.

Islam and Christianity are to Judaism, what Protestantism is to Catholicism - a schism.

This is what makes their struggles so tragic. I do wonder what their God makes of them.

Each of their faiths espouses wisdom, love and mercy, yet their followers continue to kill and maim each other.

And you wonder why the fastest growing paths in the West are Atheism and Paganism?

This is one of the reasons you see me standing on your side of the argument so often. I believe in reason and truth, and oppose faith and the intercenine violence that often follows it.

Matholwch .

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