Talking Point: Dating Disasters

7 Conversations

Dating is never easy. There are so many opportunities for it all to go horribly wrong. Simply asking someone out is fraught with dangers.

Now, of course, we all know that everybody else's love life runs smoothly except your own. Or does it? Come on, it's time to confess. We've all had dates that have gone horribly wrong, and here's a great opportunity for you to share your dating disasters with us.

Have you got a dating experience that makes you really shudder, just by thinking about it? Was it a blind date? Or was it when you asked someone out only to be turned down point-blank in front of all your mates? Or was it the classic 'going on a dream date, and drinking far too quickly because of nerves' scenario, ending up with you blabbing too much about yourself or throwing up in your date's father's prize petunias.

So own up, share your dating experiences from hell and make us all feel a whole lot better...

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