A Conversation for The Royal h2g2 Procrastinators Society

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4081

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

did you drop something?

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4082


don't think so...
^. .^
= ' =

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4083

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

Thought the "plink" was the sound of something falling in a puddle. I was wrong again, ah well.

Procrastinator tennis anyone?

smiley - tennisball

Just hit it back when you can get around to it, this ball is a procrastinator too and will get there when it feels like it smiley - winkeye

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4084

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

By the time it approaches the ground I will start thinking about returning it.

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4085

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

smiley - borg I'll just sit here and wait while I procrastinate cleaning up smiley - smiley

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4086


^. .^
= ' =

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4087


i wish to join, my whole life is procrastination, (a word i am not even sure i have the time to learn to spell). Lazyness is a good quality, rushing around can only lead to mistakes.

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4088

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

I'll write this post tomorrow...

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4089


*doesn't tidy room*
^. .^
= ' =

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4090

Number Six

smiley - huh Clelba, what have you done to your name???

(I should be leaving work about now, but somehow found myself popping in here first...)

smiley - mod

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4091

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

I think I'll delay that post some more.

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4092

Siletta Weaver, Keeper of exsessively long titles, Eclectic Mystic, Cynic, etc..

I second the motion to procrastinate on doing the housework.

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4093

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

I propose a motion to reconsider all motions at some unspecified future time, and until this future point cease all action on said motions.


The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4094

Siletta Weaver, Keeper of exsessively long titles, Eclectic Mystic, Cynic, etc..

I'll second that motion....


The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4095

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

No need, the motion is suspended until some future point smiley - cool

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4096


So can I, as a new member, pop in a contradictory motion so that hopefully we wont be able to deal with any of the motions until march 2005? actually, are there any polititian members cos westminster seems to follow our rules.smiley - schooloffish

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4097


I have been meaning to join for a while
I'd like to join now

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4098

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

If you put your application in that overstuffed box over there, someone may come in the unforseeable future and bring it somewhere else for eventual processing.

Until then, don't hold your breath, try to feel at home and have an smiley - ale.

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4099


my name is altered in the manner of the l337
^. .^
= ' =

The Palace Flophouse and Grill

Post 4100


Can I come in now and join sometime next week?

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