A Conversation for frog

Gefropo HQ

Post 241

Malabarista - now with added pony

Going as a berserker?

Gefropo HQ

Post 242

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Why not.
smiley - winkeye

Gefropo HQ

Post 243

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh

Gefropo HQ

Post 244

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Anger drugs - if you want to be REALLY upset, just ask me.

Gefropo HQ

Post 245

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Let´s have them attack. Do you agree?

Gefropo HQ

Post 246


*CYBERHUMAN glares at him*

Certainly not. Unless of course you wish to die a slow painful death surrounded by enemies who could snap you in half with one hand. We will do this properly! We will wait until they make their first move!

*Moves to the front of the army assembled in the HQ*

Gefropo HQ

Post 247

Malabarista - now with added pony

*pats Alef on the neck*

Gefropo HQ

Post 248

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!


Gefropo HQ

Post 249

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

*changes to defense position*

Gefropo HQ

Post 250


*The sound of feet moving heavily outside emerges. The enemy army is advancing*

Gefropo HQ

Post 251

Malabarista - now with added pony

*takes a deep breath*

OK, men, the boring part is over!

Gefropo HQ

Post 252

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

ok, guys, wake up an´ defend!
*sings pirate song*

Gefropo HQ

Post 253


*The doors to the main entrance suddenly open of their own accord. As they open to their full width, an army of 5,000 robots stands waiting gloatingly in the gap. The massive humanoid with the gigantic Gatling gun stands to the left of the army. He gives a savage roar and lets loose a hail of bullets from his gun*


Everybody! Get down!

Gefropo HQ

Post 254

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!


Gefropo HQ

Post 255

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

*shoots a ray of energy at that humanoid*

Gefropo HQ

Post 256

Malabarista - now with added pony

*upsets her balance suddenly and uses her leg to make Alef fall, and rolls off her*

Gefropo HQ

Post 257

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

Cy, do you have any tactical ideas?

Gefropo HQ

Post 258


*The ray of the energy hits the humanoid right in the chest, but it simply looks down and roars again as the blast is absorbed by the thick black leather outfit that the humanoid wears. The bullets from his Gatling gun bounce off the stone walls of the HQ and whizz past people's heads, narrowly avoiding hitting them in the back of their heads*

Gefropo HQ

Post 259

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

*instead fires at opposing army*

Gefropo HQ

Post 260


*CYBERHUMAN shouts over the noise of the Gatling gun spitting out it's deadly ammunition*

Laser-beams won't work against the humanoid! It's too strong to be defeated by them! When the first line of the robots advance, then we will attack!

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