A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

Peaceful?(Day 12)

Post 481

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

GB flies back to check on the newly-revolved Peaceful. She was sleeping soundly....
Thinks: Oh, well, let her sleep...I hope she's having sweet dreams.
*plants a kiss on Peaceful's forehead and in another moment GB is gone...

Workaholic's Revenge...Day 12)

Post 482

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Thanks to the wonderous and powerful beings, Peaceful had been cured, she was, once more, a Peaceful human being... - The tasteful pinkish hue of her skin had receded, along with the beautiful fur, and the enhanced intelligence...

* They had also healed her of a slight case of radiation poisoning,
but, unfortunately, they had not been able to do anything about her mental processes, or the remnants of paranoia...

* She feels the gentlest of kisses on her forehead, and dreams on, as her body readapts to its regained humanity... *Oh, Kes, where are you?*

Thank you both! * she whispers in her dreams. *

* That's when about two thousand Poco Nuts fall on the cycling helmet.
She could have died, had they been the Poco-Mucho Nuts, it would have been instant death for the poor creature...

* Mucho Nuts being much, much larger...

Workaholic's Revenge...Day 12)

Post 483

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh, I must find Kiddo.....to come gather all these nuts...smiley - winkeye

Wee hours + headache...Day 12)

Post 484

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Oh! I'm feeling much better now!

Where did those nuts come from?

Where is Kes? Where is Tweetie? Where's that kind, indefatigable angel? ...another party? No, don't think so...

Hmmm... Rehumanized! At last! Thought I was going to have to try another one of those pills...

* She's off on another boring adventure...

Wee hours + headache...Day 12)

Post 485

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A Party? Me? No!! {blush}
Actually I was writing a Guide Entry for my Beauty Shoppe in God's retirement village...A415522
You will call in for a session as soon as Survivor is over, won't you, Peaceful? I'm a Qualified Councellor too, and I reckon you'll have a lot to talk out of your system...
Now, what was it you wanted, dear?
*places a supportive wing around Peaceful

Wee hours + headache...Day 12)

Post 486

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Yes, most wonderous being!!! I do tend to call a lot, don't I???

A Beauty Shoppe!!!! Perfect!!! I'd really like to be one of your clients!!!! Thanks!!! And yes, perhaps, I might need a bit of advice on my slight case of paranoia...

*Peaceful really does appreciate the kind Angel's support... the Isle of Poco is so mysterious!!! Where??? Why???
a) are so many missing?
b) did they forget to take their malaria pills?*

*Peaceful didn't forget, no, that's the sort of thing she wouldn't forget... she's taken her malaria pills, an experimental pill - she only has to find out if Kes is talking to the poet-crab or something...

As soon as this is over... I'll be there!!!!!!! smiley - smiley

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 487


*Kiddo wanders into the camp*

Kiddo: Looks like I missed everthing. *He flops onto the sand*
Anyone else feel wore out from this island? Has anyone seen Ox??
And why is this thing almost over already? Has the show been canceled?

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 488

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* travelling along, singing a song...

Oh, hi Kiddo, seems there are only two of us awake, or active, or not ill on the island smiley - smiley

We're surviving quite well, aren't we? smiley - smiley

I just saw ox, dreaming some mystic dreams at the hospital tent...

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 489

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

I am so worried about Kes. Do you think he took those sewing lessons too seriously? He was getting quite good at it?

I'm worried about that boat that was approaching the island too...

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 490

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi, Peaceful.
Hi, Kiddo.
Yes, Kiddo, less than a week to go, now.
We haven't got enough Marshalls.....and there's some really strange things been going on too.
I saw Ox in the hospital tent.
He's recovering, quite nicely. smiley - smiley
Come on, Peaceful, let's go find Kes.....

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 491

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

Strange things...on this island? You must be kidding. smiley - winkeye

*watches as a large whale falls from the sky into the ocean, and then swims away completely unharmed.*

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 492

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Peaceful, upon hearing the call of the Marshall-Angel, had left with her... but now - right now - this minute -- she was running all over the island...

* Almost as fast as a lemur...

* + with great mental anguish...

* [and a bit sorry for that falling whale...]

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 493

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* It was great exercise, though...

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 494

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Well, if the wail was rising and falling, it might have been an ambulance.

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 495

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

smiley - smiley

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 496

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Peaceful's back... she decides to play it cool... smooth...

* The dolphins had taught her a few new tricks, and she was going to play them... to the hilt.

* She looked around, but didn't find Kes' stamp collection. Seems the guy had taken it with him while he'd been searching (lost) all over the island... FOR HER!

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 497

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* She waits, and watches, and watches and waits...

* Lovely, elegant snore...

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 498


Peaceful! Oh, sorry - didn't mean to disturb you.
Where were you? What happeneded?
And I ought to tell you..... I need to say ....
*What does Kes need to say? Stay tuned - he's trying to figure it out as he goes along.*

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 499


Kiddo: Aww. she looks so peaceful when she sleeps. smiley - smiley I think somebody said that already.
I don't want it to end! Am I the only one with no life other then this survivor game? No one has been voted off, but one or two left.
Hmmm. A falling wail.

Day 13... so I've been told

Post 500


Kiddo: Aww. she looks so peaceful when she sleeps. smiley - smiley I think somebody said that already.
I don't want it to end! Am I the only one with no life other then this survivor game? No one has been voted off, but one or two left.
Hmmm. A falling wail.

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