A Conversation for 24-Seven - The H2G2 Space Centre Convenience Store

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 241

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


smiley - magic

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 242


Don't care how good it is, San Betian Sea Water ain't got nothin' on my Phlog! Although that doesn't help anyone else, really. Dragonfly and myself are the only two people in this room who could drink Phlog without exploding, or turning into a toad, or accidentally causing our blood vessels to cease existing, or something. One reason why it's not marketed to the people as a whole. Too dangerous.smiley - winkeye

Oh, but that reminds me: WM, I've finished my phlog flavored Crater Fizz drink. Think there's room on that display rack for another can?smiley - winkeye

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 243

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Would I be immune to phlog because of the great consumption of chocolate milk!?? Or is it an immortality thing!?? smiley - winkeye

Teach me, man... smiley - winkeye

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 244

Witty Moniker

Affy, of course you can add the Phlog-flavored Fizz to the rack. It's Phlog 'flavored', right? So it's safe for human consumption? smiley - winkeye

Prof, I'd be happy to carry both the wine and the sea water. I'll stop by the embassy shortly to fill out the import application.

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 245

Chris Tonks

Very well then. Trade at last! The Head of Commerce in the Governmental Committee /will/ be pleased! smiley - biggrin

I'm sure I could consume Phlog whilst using my Watch to dampen the effects, but without him I wouldn't dare! smiley - winkeye
Still, can I buy a Phlog-flavoured Fizz please? smiley - smiley

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 246


Sure, you can drink the phlog "flavored" stuff, Tonks. That's why I made this drink. The only difference (in taste) between it and actual phlog is that carbonated fizziness that soda beverages contain.

But don't try your luck with actual phlog, Tonks. Phlog is a Zorkish drink, meant exclusively for enchanters "in a particularly celebritory mood', as their ad campaign goes. In actuality, phlog is a drink that enchanters can drink to help refresh their powers and abilities. The "in a celebritory mood' thing was added because most spell-flingers only feel especially drained after going head to head with other magical perils.

Dragonfly and I can drink it because of our magical abilities. We have ways to discreetly rid ourselves of any dangerous excess magical energy that could cause problems (such as misfiring spells, or spells casting themselves without the consent of the caster).

But that's why I made this drink. No one should have to go without tasting phlog at some point in their life.smiley - fish

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 247

Chris Tonks

Ooh, I wouldn't dare drink any real phlog. Although I'm always willing to try out drinks from other planets and cultures (and I have to really, for interplanetary diplomacy's sake), I don't trust the consumption of other/worldly/ drinks. smiley - winkeye

Additionally, all that magic stuff I learnt in the Magic Forest thread has been taken out of my mind and stored safely away, so I wouldn't handle phlog anyway. smiley - winkeye

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 248


Oh, about that magic, Tonks: you don't know that stuff now. There was a little time travelling later on.

But that doesn't mean that you can't re-learn it at some time.smiley - winkeye

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 249

Witty Moniker

*Passes a Phlog Fizz to the Prof.*

Let me know how you like it. smiley - smiley

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 250

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Ewww.... re-learning stuff!??? GAH!!! smiley - tongueout

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 251

Chris Tonks

*Takes the Fizz.*

Cheers! smiley - smiley

Oor, great stuff, this! smiley - biggrin

And re-learning stuff is a doddle for me. I simply have it reimplant in my brain at will. smiley - winkeye

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 252


No, you see, you never bothered to learn that stuff in the first place, because our reason for aquiring magic was taken away. Krill was conquered before we originally had a chance to even consider battling him. But it won't be too hard. You technically won't be re-learning, considering that the learning never took place.

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 253

Chris Tonks

Ah, yes, I remember now. Hell, I didn't place my knowledge in the SBD, meaning it wasn't apart from any goings on in the time stream.

Well, let's hope I don't need magic again: I really don't want to go through all those - what was it - forty years again! smiley - winkeye

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 254


Don't worry Tonks, there is almost always a solution other than magic. Magic just happens to be a very easy path to take once you've learned it.smiley - winkeye

One of these days I should publish a complete list of all of the spells that I use, just to be fair. It's such a long list, though....

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 255

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I don't use spells. I just snap my fingers and voila!!!

Easy as that!!! smiley - winkeye

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 256

Witty Moniker


I'm just a mere mortal. But I won't hold your magical powers against you. smiley - winkeye

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 257

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Thanks, dearheart!!! That is appreciated... smiley - winkeye

::snaps her fingers and gives a big beautiful bouquet of flowers to WM::

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 258


My spells all come from the realms of Zork, Peloria, and Skara Brae. But mostly Zork.smiley - winkeye

*To emphasize this, Affy flips open his spell book, and incants*


*A purple stain on the slurpee machine vanishes*

Igram is one of my favorites.smiley - smiley

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 259


My spells all come from the realms of Zork, Peloria, and Skara Brae. But mostly Zork.smiley - winkeye

*To emphasize this, Affy flips open his spell book, and incants*


*A purple stain on the slurpee machine vanishes*

Igram is one of my favorites.smiley - smiley

Post Diaspora Spring Cleaning

Post 260

Witty Moniker

*arranges the flowers in a nice vase and places it on the counter*

I didn't notice that stain on the Slerpee machine. smiley - blush I guess it's time to get a bot to help me keep up with things around here. What have you got available, Affy?

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