A Conversation for Survivor Applications...


Post 81

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*pops her head in after some guy resembling strangely resembling Matthew sent her this link*
Huh. This looks like fun. More information first please. This here Brit reckons Survivor must bear some resemblance to Shipwrecked and Big Brother, but doesn't want to risk her chances... smiley - smiley
*waves at Dan, Chrome and Zack/Xanthe/etc*
*takes another long look at Matthew and then shakes her head*
Must be imagining things...


Post 82


Kiddo: I am Kiddo. The others aren't here with me. When are we leaving? Monday you say? I have my things all packed. And I'm getting pretty excited! But please, call me Kiddo.


Post 83

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Kiddo- I apologise sincerely. The others were at my party, and owing to the amount of alcohol I have consumed, and the fact that you are usually with them, I naturally assumed they were there too. I hope I didn't offend you smiley - smiley


Post 84

The Cheese

Can I still apply? If so...

Name: The Cheese
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Occupation: Sub-Editor
Charisma: 7

ready to go

Post 85


Kiddo: It's quite all right. Although are names are all together we are not always together. In fact, we alway have someone staying at our home page just in case somone shows up.
Being in this large and odd bunch I have a tendency to want to be a little more individual, so I'm picky about being referred to by my name.

ready to go

Post 86


*wakes up briefly. The others seem asleep. The chopper whirls on. Reads from stamp albumn, and dozes off again*

ready to go

Post 87

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*leans back in her seat and tries to mentally reconstruct that episode of Gilligan's lsland where the Professor synthesizes nitroglycerine out of island-found ingredients and stores it in coconut shells. Curses herself for having read up on boat-hull-repair instead*

ready to go

Post 88


*pretending to sleep ox tries to recall the Star Trek episode where Capt. Kirk defeats the huge reptillian Gorn by finding all the ingredients for gunpowder on a desolate planet*

ready to go

Post 89


*Kes dreams of the 1978 set of Kwango Republic airmail stamps - famous island castaways. The associated notes might come in handy ...*

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 90

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

I hope it's not too late to apply. Age 18, sex yes please, charisma -5

Thunderbirds are GO !!! (F.A.B)

Post 91

Matthew Kershaw

* The chopper blades start to spin as everyone climbs on board the blackhawk helicopter. After the blindfolds are put on the helicopter studders alarmingly as it ascends to its far off destination... * http://www.h2g2.com/F49657?thread=67300 Also, you might want to have another look over the mainpage to familarise yourself... * Just a quick word on how things will work * The marshalls occasionally will post items on the island which will be of use. The first person to post after it, claims that item... You can perform any activity on the Island. The marshalls will evalutate whether the action is successful or not by a careful estimation of chances, then a throw of a dice. Those seeking to perform actions which bear no relation to reality may be opening up a metaphorical can of worms as the marshalls are under orders keep things tangible... 8-) There may be other areas of the Island which pop-up. However you must have some reason to deduce that it exists before you can go there. Also, you cannot start your own threads unless a marshall deems it to be tangible... It is entirely possible to die of starvation... Given this you must find some food source either provided by the marshalls postings or via careful posting of activities. Food can be kept for 3 days (fruit) 2 days (cooked meat) 1 days (uncooked meat), unless otherwise stated. The 3 days of rations you receive to begin with will last for the duration... M.K*


Post 92

Matthew Kershaw

You still have the opportunity to be apart if the madness...

Please post your details here... smiley - smiley


Thunderbirds are GO !!! (F.A.B)

Post 93

The Cheese

This almost feels like Dungeons and Dragons!

Do we get voted off?

Thunderbirds are GO !!! (F.A.B) Extra Info...

Post 94

Matthew Kershaw

We've got DD, we don't need D&D as well... smiley - winkeye

Yes, the Wider H2G2 Community get to vote, who stays & who goes. So you had better show some style & elan !!! smiley - smiley


NOTE : Could you please put a description of your actions in the Subject Area for easy reference... smiley - smiley


Thunderbirds are GO !!! (F.A.B) Extra Info...

Post 95


Kiddo: urm..this is going to be harder then I thought. I could die of starvation! Egads!

Thunderbirds are GO !!! (F.A.B) Extra Info...

Post 96

Matthew Kershaw

> Insert manicical laughter here... < smiley - winkeye


Thunderbirds are GO !!! (F.A.B) Extra Info...

Post 97


Kiddo: Why didn't anyone talk me out of this?

Thunderbirds are GO !!! (F.A.B) Extra Info...

Post 98

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
I am not here for the helicopter flight, I am here to ensure the flight takes off safely, flies safely and lands safely.
*waves a slender arm
The helicopter becomes shrouded in a golden mist.
"Anything you see on the island, which is golden-coloured, or made of gold, is a gift from me. The first person to find it, gets the use of it. Once the item is no longer needed, if it can be re-used, it must be left in a prominent position, not hidden. No bartering with my gifts, either! I will be watching!"
Galaxy Babe waves her arm and a golden teaspoon appears in the pocket of everyone on board the helicopter {even the pilot}.
*flutter of wings
Galaxy Babe watches the take-off and smiles.....smiley - smiley

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 99

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Okay, if it's not too late, here's my application.

name: Petunia (nickname)
age: a young-looking smiley - smiley thirty-six years old
gender: female
profession: insurance claims specialist
charisma: well, depends on many factors icluding amount of sleep etc... I guess on a really good day an 8, but on an island without a blowdryer, a 7

This probably is not a prudent thing to do, but I need to have some adventure. When do we leave? I need a cat sitter, leave of absence (hopefully to be permanent smiley - bigeyes ) from work, load up on sunscreen... here I go being prudent again.

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 100

Matthew Kershaw

Welcome on board Petunia !!! smiley - smiley

You are now a member of the Cragi Tribe...

Please read the first thread above saying 'Thunderbirds are go'...

And then have a look at the mainpage here...


...and go for it !!! smiley - bigeyes


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