A Conversation for Survivor Applications...

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Post 21

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Now, if we get that entity Spherical Cows lncorporated involved, think of all the pun we could have...

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Post 22


Mo-o-oving right along, aren't we?

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Post 23

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Aww, what the heck. I'd like to apply for Survivor H2G2. I can cook, I can sew, I can make fire using powers of my mind alone, and I have an abrasive personality that'll guarantee that I won't be winning any money anytime soon. Check me out at my home page...

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Post 24


I'd love to apply, but I don't think that I'd be around during the time that this is going on. If there's going to be a second one, I want to apply for that one.

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Post 25


Oh dear....look who has joined, if we just get eatsmice in here we will have the whole gang!smiley - smiley I warn you, don't worry about butterknives, its matches you will have to keep off the island!!!!!smiley - bigeyes
*remembers the magical night in the majic forest*

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Post 26


So, when will we be able to view an official list of the contestants and their stats?

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Post 27


Probably not until they officially announce it, and we get more researchers in here.

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Post 28


Whooo boy, count me in
Hi Lintilla, ox, Odra, better make it four, eh?
I've found these really good barbecue matches that are extra long smiley - smiley
Male, thirtysomething, good at skinning chickens, tickling fish and starting forest fires using nothing more than a flint and an unused tampon (really!)

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Post 29

Matthew Kershaw

I welcome you...er, plural !!! smiley - smiley

We almost have enough for a group already...!!!

* M.K ponders that he had better go off & put the main page together for next week... smiley - bigeyes *


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Post 30


i'm glad eatsmice found his way here!smiley - smiley

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Post 31

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

l can do you one better, eatsmice...l've started a riot using nothing but a lighter and an unused tampon (really!)...
Oh, actually, l think l also flashed the crowd prior.
*smiles at the memory*
Good times.

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Post 32

Matthew Kershaw

Well Lintilla,

I'm sure you prefer to eat something at little higher up on the foodchain !!!

Less competition... smiley - winkeye


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Post 33


With our reputation now, I think bar-b-q food is going to be on the menu most days...
or will that be flame-grilled smiley - smiley

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Post 34


I'm sure you could manage fried, if you put your mind to it. smiley - smiley

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Post 35


Aha! All well met indeed!

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Post 36


Hi, eatsmice! I hid well underground for a while due to...well...let's not count on roasting THIS ox this time!

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Post 37


I don't think we will have trouble keeping warmsmiley - winkeye

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Post 38


Does anyone object to CLI performing a few psychology tests on the people on the island? Especially those who get kicked off the island soon?
smiley - smiley

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Post 39


Hi, I'm Chrome.

Do I have to tell you all about myself?

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Post 40

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Affy, dear, after interviewing most of the people on -this- island, the entire CLl staff is going to need a considerable stint of psychotherapy...

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