A Conversation for Survivor Applications...

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 41


*starting to get excited*

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 42



Oh, come on! Two days don't go by at CLI without some plasma monster attempting to burn down the continent, or a few dozen robots going crazy and trying to murder everyone! If I can keep the monsters quiet enough that the people in Lil's Atelier barely know what's going on, I think I can handle a psychology interview.smiley - winkeye

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 43


Um, Hello. Like, I'm a really cool, exciting bloke. Well, anyway last year I knocked over my stamp collection, and I've been really busy putting them all back on the right pages.
I could be really, really useful in a dessert environment. I eat all the pud my mum puts out for me, and I fancy the idea of a dessert island like what your advert says.
I am getting my glasses fixed next month, and I will be able to see then, so after that I will be so busy finishing sorting my stamps, but my friend said I should get outside and meet people, and suggested I apply for this, and I like that, as long as it's indoors, and comfy, and the people won't shout at me or anything.
I'm now putting a sample of my anorak into the Charismometer slot in this machine, and don't worry about the photo, I was trying to hide my bald patch when the flash went off, but I look quite cool, really.

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 44


Your getting excited ox?
I'm dying here, I have been waiting the longestsmiley - winkeye
now we even get a free phycological examination! This is really great, and it's just getting better!

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 45

Matthew Kershaw

Greetings to Chrome & Kes !!!

I'm sure you be made to welcome on the Island smiley - smiley ...well, at least until the food runs out smiley - winkeye

If you would be so kind to funish us with some personal details Chrome. Although for some strange reason, I have the feeling we have met somewhere before... smiley - winkeye

Later this week, I might even arrange for a 'joyflight' over the 'secret' Island in question. Although, cameras or GPS devices will not be permitted... smiley - smiley


Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 46


*drops small packet of assorted Commonwealth second class (franked) in excited surprise*
Right. I'll be waiting, but I musn't stay out late without telling Mum, and I've got to be back for my cocoa ...

Please leave your applications HERE !!!

Post 47


*Looks directly at Matthew, a stange look comes into his eyes.*
I do know you from somewhere... *ominous music plays*

Well, I've kinda drifting round h2g2 since March this year. I got a job at the h2g2 Space Centre, and I am a Master Duellist (not sure how that could come in useful on the island, but u never know). I am retro-fitted with so much electronic equipment you could find me in a crowd with a metal-detector.
Also, my predeliction for guns has landed me in a few scrapes a couple of times ... but no-one was hurt!

*shameless plug* Oh yeah, and I run a hotel at http://www.h2g2.com/A370496

Chopper Flight...

Post 48

Matthew Kershaw

It is my pleasure to announce that the chopper is about to take off for the flight to the 'Mystery' Island. Please observe that the windows will be shielded as to not reveal its location...


Please do not post any information ahead of time...


BTW Is Afgncaap5 still unavailable to take part ?


P.S. I've already put up something up Chrome, if you need it changed please advise.

Chopper Flight...

Post 49


ooo, looking better and better!smiley - smiley

Chopper Flight...

Post 50


Kiddo:Oh! I'm not too late to apply am I? I think it could be really great if I could be part of this!
Please, please, tell me I'm not too late!

Chopper Flight...

Post 51


One thing, Matt, the link on my name links to Zax's page. Pleasexsort that out...

Oh yes, and duelling is another of my hobbies (You can replace alcohol with that, if you like.)

Chopper Flight...

Post 52


Here's my application info:
I am an 18 year old male. I'm not in it for the money because I'm already a millionare.
Choosing your own charisma would be kind of hard wouldn't it. Let's see, from 1 to 10 I'm somewhere around a 7 and a half.

Chopper Flight...

Post 53


Like I said before, I can't make it to this one. If there's a second survivor, I'd like to apply for that one, though. Put my name first on the list for the second island voyage (if there is one).

Chopper Flight...

Post 54


When do we land? Has anybody got a spare brown paper bag?

Chopper Flight...

Post 55

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*blows up an airsick bag, sneaks up behind Kes, and pops it loudly, directly into his semicircular canals*

Oo. l've never seen anyone's eardrum actually physically -shatter- before. Neat.
Do it again, Kes!

Chopper Flight...

Post 56


Pardon? What?
*removes residue of stamp hinges (used as earplugs) from ears*
Are we there yet? If not, where's the loo on this flight. I didn't go before we took off.

Chopper Flight...

Post 57

Matthew Kershaw

Welcome Zack !!! smiley - smiley

No, you're not too late... smiley - smiley

I'm sure a millionaire will be made to feel more than welcome...!!! smiley - smiley

Will add the details Chrome... smiley - smiley


Chopper Flight...

Post 58

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

My name is Dan, and I'd be more than happy to fill the spot of the lazy person the rest of the team wants to vote off. smiley - smiley

Chopper Flight...

Post 59

Matthew Kershaw

Do I know you ? You look familiar... smiley - winkeye

I'm sure you could fill that role... smiley - smiley


Chopper Flight...

Post 60


*tries to memorize the landscape of the island as best as possible from the chopper*

Did I miss something or what gear will we be allowed to carry? When is the official start time so none of us get left behind? (or buried in the thread!)

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