A Conversation for Survivor Applications...

Chopper Flight...

Post 61

Matthew Kershaw

At customs you will be getting the FULL rubber gloves treatment... smiley - bigeyes

So there will be no unfair advantage.

You will be required to pack relevant clothing, you will be issued with a sleeping mat & sunblockout lotion...

Plus the WAP phone of course...

Anyone found calling out for Pizza delivery, will be roundly admonished by the marshalls & ridiculed by the general public at large... smiley - bigeyes

A chopper will come sometime Monday morning, once it lands you are free to disperse to your camps & surrounds... smiley - smiley


Chopper Flight...

Post 62


Which clothing counts as "relevant"?
*looks down at his long dark trenchcoat*

Chopper Flight...

Post 63

Matthew Kershaw

Well you decide... smiley - winkeye


Chopper Flight...

Post 64


Kiddo: Yay! But don't put me down as Zack, my name is Kiddo. See, I'm at the end of the list of names. Don't wory, none of the others will come along.

Chopper Flight...

Post 65


*winces at the thought of rubber glove treatment*

Chopper Flight...

Post 66


Kiddo: Oh you did put me as Zack. Sorry, my falt. I should have told you earlier.

Chopper Flight...

Post 67

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*hopes she can count several coils of ignition wire as relavant clothing. But it's jewelry, l swear!*

Chopper Flight...

Post 68


So what else can we take?...and put me down for Factor 25 suntan stuff please! I burn.......
How about my 12" Bowie knife, fish hooks, string, 2kg semtex pack, etc???
do tell............

Chopper Flight...

Post 69

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*is putting on her blasting cap earrings, and fashioning beach thongs out of C4*

Chopper Flight...

Post 70


*Considers sending Ampton to spy on the goings on and make life hard for the Survivors*

Chopper Flight...

Post 71

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

*begins hiding food and other important things in his jacket*

Chopper Flight...

Post 72


*not wanting to be unprepared, ox takes a traditional approach to the rough venture...a hearty meal, lots of vitamins and a long sleep*


Chopper Flight...

Post 73


*Discovers that fish-hooks sewn into underpants is perhaps not such a good idea..........*

Chopper Flight...

Post 74

Demon Drawer

Are you still taking applications.

*DD runs up with crumbled poece of paper*

DD's Chairsma reading = 42

Chopper Flight...

Post 75


*Passes a note between the castaways*

Will smuggle food to the highest bidder!

Chopper Flight...

Post 76


Although a dinner of seaweed now and again for the iodine and fiber is almost a treat, ox considers taking Affy up on the offer and decides to secure a supply of chocolate.

Chopper Flight...

Post 77

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*slips a note back to Affy*

Food l can live without...what about ammo, or a few choice selections from the Lab arsenal?

Chopper Flight...

Post 78


Ammo you want, eh?

*Odradek turns round and notices that Chrome has a number of bulky and conspicuous shapes underneath his trenchcoat.*

Also ... to the highest bidder. *devilish grin*


Post 79


Daily fix of Mbougatses and donuts from the cafe.
A few pounds of semtex each week for the fishing, harpoon gun for when we want to barbeque shark steaks.
Ready to negotiate smiley - winkeye


Post 80


With Odra on the other tribe, we might need some kind of bomb-shelter manufacturing implements........

*Uses detonator cord to tie bootlaces (handy to cut down trees quickly)*

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