A Conversation for Talking Point: What's the Most Difficult Thing You've Ever Had to do?
As in hard, or as in painful?
Pinniped Started conversation Oct 4, 2008
'Difficult' is ambiguous. My wife and I might have given the instruction to take our son off life support and let him go. I say might, because we were consulted. I guess it would have happened anyway. More to the point, some wonderfully sympathetic people were making sure we felt the kind of involvement we needed. If we wanted to feel it was our decision, that was fine. If we wanted others to take it, that was fine too. It was painful, but not hard. Whether we actually did anything, or just experienced something, is a moot point.
Only a few months later (or was it earlier? I honestly can't remember) the police came to my workplace and it transpired that the wife of one of my staff had died suddenly at home, out of the blue and unreasonably young. Her husband had left a normal house a couple of hours before. The policewoman asked me, do you want to tell him, or shall I? I said let me think about it a minute. She said that would be a bad idea. Did I want to do it, yes or no?
I did it. If she'd let me hesitate, I might not have done. I don't know which was right. All I know is that doing it was really hard, in a way that being on the other side wasn't.
They taught me a lot, these two experiences together.
As in hard, or as in painful?
Bertie Posted Oct 5, 2008
Things in life can be just as difficult as you want them to be.
That Policewoman may or may not have been thinking about you, but her attitude did a lot.
In pretty much every situation we have a correct answer, the processing power of the brain is awesome, but the key is acess.
The way your hand and eye will automatically coordinate to catch an badly thrown item, whilst if you think about it you will drop even a well cast one, gives some idea.
Some decisions though are impossible -
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As in hard, or as in painful?
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