A Conversation for Talking Point: What's the Most Difficult Thing You've Ever Had to do?
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Runescribe Started conversation Oct 4, 2008
Hardest thing I've ever done was survive secondary school. I risked life, limb and sanity in that place.
I was very clever. They moved me up a year, and I'm an August birthday. I proceeded to thrash the boys two years older than me in all the lessons ever. They were not pleased, and neither were the kids in the year I started in, because they'd just been publicly shown to be less clever than me.
I don't remember everything that happened to me - there is a period of unknown duration, but probably five to ten minutes, where my memory goes blank. I have no idea what happened between being trapped between a wall and eight or nine young thugs, and being in an office crying. Not a clue.
I can give you plenty of horror stories, but you probably get the picture already.
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Bertie Posted Oct 5, 2008
Ahh surviving secondary - funny how it was always numbers, very rarely one on one.
I was attacked out of school, after a stoning, and a beating with sticks i lost it and stabbed one - i then became a victim twice over.
The odds - 13 to one.
I left, i dont think they ever did.
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