A Conversation for Talking Point: What's the Most Difficult Thing You've Ever Had to do?
What I think was hard
Rachel_G1113 Started conversation Dec 12, 2008
Would you say it had to be something physical, or emotional?
-I think they are on 2 different levels. The hardest thing I had to do physically is jump out of a plane (skydive). I wanted to do it but when the moment came I had to go against every fiber of my being that wanted to stay in the plane and force my self to go against that.
Emotionally:Leaving my family as a 20 year old single mother to be and moving to the other side of the country. Leaving what I knew, Michigan and moving to the desert of AZ. IT was done to get out of a downward spiral but was hard.
Do things get harder as you/they get older?
-No. Life experiences teach us that, really, it will work out.
Are some things merely disguised as being difficult?
-Some times. some people put up a front to look more important but making things look more difficult than they are.
Are there more difficult things than easy things, or the same?
-All a matter of perspective. if you are afraid of change than just about everything will be hard. If you embrace new experiences it will be exciting or exhilarating.
Are certain things only difficult for a short time, while others stay hard forever?
-Not really. You do what you have to do. Some things appear difficult till we do them, others we find ways to make easier. And some, we just avoid all together rather than deal with.
Do you always take the soft option?
-No. I want to. but if I want to take the easy route I then ask my self "Why?" And most often the more effort yields the best results in the long run.
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What I think was hard
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