A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

A ripple in the Farce

Post 421

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*The walkman ends up being rather more explosive than NYC thought, and the blow sends him into the far wall with a SMACK, after which NYC slides off the wall onto the floor.*

Is that it? I've had worse fights with my siblings! Take this!

*NYC unleashes his pride and joy: A shoulder-mounted howitzer, obviously heavily retrofitted from the original standard-issue version. He braces himself, and lets loose with a salvo, which screams past Poetry Woman and detonates in the initiation complex's break room. Innocent bystanders get severely injured. Poetry Woman looks impressed*

A ripple in the Farce

Post 422

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Impressed? Or perhaps that's what NYC student would LIKE to think!

One has to try harder than that to impress the incredible Poetry Woman!

Poetry woman catches her Shield of Dissonance easily, and heads off to check the pulses of the poor innocent bystanders. After all, is she not champion of the weak? Defender of the innocent? Believer in the Bystanders?

Then of course, she recites poetry at a nearby doctor who WAS on his lunch break, but will do ANYTHING (even cut it short) to get away from that Vile Verse!

Poetry Woman turns back to NYC with a haughty glint in her eye.

"You shouldn't have done that!
You injured a pussy-cat!"

She hikes up her spandex tights, and then, with a meaningful look at the NYC student, recharges the Shield of Dissonance and the Literary Taste Shield, and turns up the poetry beam to "Revolting Rhyme!"

"Oh villain foul, get thee gone!
This forum's a hero one!
So get away or be prepared
To be blasted into bits of air!!!"

smiley - blue, smiley - steam or smiley - devil

A ripple in the Farce

Post 423


[Happy waves his 'Tickleing Stick™' about]

Now thats impresivesmiley - smileysmiley - clown

A ripple in the Farce

Post 424

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

AAGH! that was AWFUL!

*Another salvo makes contact with Poetry Woman's Literary Taste Shield, which doesn't actually injure her but DOES leave a nasty looking dent*

A ripple in the Farce

Post 425

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea wrinkles her nose at the stench of bad poetry*

[sea] yes, i am bad. no, i am NOT a guy. i prefer to be called a villain... perhaps you will be more PC in the future.

*sea starts a small rainstorm above SMB's head, which rains on her poetry book and soaks the pages*

A ripple in the Farce

Post 426

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Holy Laughter, good guys!


Wot's that for, then?

smiley - blue, smiley - steam or smiley - devil (Poetry Woman to you)

A ripple in the Farce

Post 427


awful ?? - you got no taste, no wonder the taste shield is so effective against you smiley - clown

A ripple in the Farce

Post 428


A 'Tickleing Stick™' is used to smiley - tickle

smiley - clown

A ripple in the Farce

Post 429

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea, irate at being ignored, increases the rainstorm*

A ripple in the Farce

Post 430

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*three salvos make their way towards HappyDude. NYC subsequently re-holsters his howitzer and pulls out his baseball bat*

bring it on, poetry gal.

*NYC brandishes his trusted weapon menacingly*

A ripple in the Farce

Post 431


Happy uses his 'Tickleing Stick™' to knock th salvos for six in fine cricketing fashion.

'Sea, I don''t suppose evilene is around anywhere ?'

smiley - clown

A ripple in the Farce

Post 432

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea looks around the forum and spies evillene in a corner, motioning frantically for sea to ignore her. sea grins and opens her mouth, and evillene tackles her*

[sea] hahahaha - OOF - here she - OUCH - is - STOP IT - happy...

A ripple in the Farce

Post 433

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.


YOU DENTED MY SHIELD!!! Do you have any idea how much trouble I had to go to to get it in this shade of red? (Matches my spandex tights though, don't you think?

Is it just me, or am I incredibly outnumbered here? Where are my superhero buddies?

OK Then!

*hurls the Shield of Dissonance at the Tickleing stick*
*scoots away from the deluge .... and tosses away the poetry book.

"Sea, you've done it now!
You've forced me to improvise, and how!
For my powers reside NOT in my book!
But in my head! And uh.. YOU'RE NOT GETTING TO LOOK!"

And as for YOU NYC!! Don't think I'm cowed by your howitzer, even if I WILL have to take my Literary Taste Shield to the panelbeaters!

And DON'T push me! I'll make up a CHOPPERS poem at you!

*Turns poetry beam up to 'Horrendous Hash'*

smiley - blue, smiley - steam or smiley - devil

A ripple in the Farce

Post 434


smiley - smiley

Hi honey, you miss me ? smiley - kiss

smiley - clown

A ripple in the Farce

Post 435

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

[CONTINUITY] A wooden tickling stick against a three white-hot explosive projectiles. Think about it. I will expect your apology soon enough. [/CONTINUITY]

SMoB? Hello? I have my bat right here, and I think you might want to meet it personally...

A ripple in the Farce

Post 436


Happy pulls out his spare 'Tickeling Stick™'smiley - clown

You better not break this one - the rest are back at the Labsmiley - clown

A ripple in the Farce

Post 437


When did I ever say it as wooden ? its made from the latest space age materials (well recycled SR-71's to be exact).

A ripple in the Farce

Post 438

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

[OOC] even if it were completely invulnerable, which IT IS NOT, the force of impact would either break your arms, or break your ribs. Physics, man! Physics! [/OOC]

A ripple in the Farce

Post 439


your forgeting about my superclown strengh smiley - clown although I do have do admit that you salvos weakened the 'Tickleing Stick™' to a point where it was vulnerable to poetry persons attack.

A ripple in the Farce

Post 440

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

You know, if I just stay quiet for a moment, NYC student and Happydude will kill eachother without me having to do anything!

*Catches her Shield of Dissonance, which had hurled past the damaged tickleing stick, and sends it on a direct (and very powerful) collision course with the baseball bat

Why do I feel a powerful urge to sing the theme song to 'Captain America'?

smiley - blue, smiley - steam or smiley - devil

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