Cuica (or Cuíca)

3 Conversations

The Cuica (pronounced KWEE-kah) is a percussion instrument, but most probably unlike any other musical instrument you'll likely hear (or see). It is described as a 'friction Drum, as unlike most percussion instruments sound is not created by hitting the drum's skin surface with hand, beater or stick.
IT may also be known as a puita, boi, or onca, and has also been termed 'laughing gourd' - probably a comment on the sound of the instrument. the Cuica is also known as a folk instrument in Europe under many different names such as Rummelpott, caccavella and zambomba.

The instrument is most traditionally associated with samba music, but has also been used in a wide variety of musical styles, for example;

  • Paul Simon's "Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard"

  • Barenaked Ladies' "Enid"
  • Bob Marley's "Could You Be Loved"

The cuica is recognizable as a drum in many respects, it has a skin surface at one end, and the sides/body of the drum can be made of various matterials including metal and wood. Most often the body is made of metal, and the single head of six - ten inches (15-25 cm) is made of animal skin (useually Goat skin). The drum head/skin may on some cheaper drums be man made matterial. Attached to the drum head is a small A2175851 stick. This bamboo stick runs perpendicula to the drum head, and runs inside the main body of the instrument.

In order to make a noise with the Cuica, one does not hit the drum head, instead the bamboo stick within the body of the drum is rubbed with a wet cloth . The friction this rubbing action creates causes the head to vibrate and thereby make the drums distinctive sound. The sound thereby produced can be changed in pitch by pressing on the skin.
Typically a Cuica musition will hold the drum, at about chest height, useually with the help of a shoulder strap to position the drum comfetably. Using a shoulder strap like this is common when performing live, most especially in carnival. However the drum can also be played whilst perched on the knee; It is a good idea to hold it with the head pointing upwards at a 45 Degree angle, as this will prevent moisture from the cloth from ending up on the drum head; This could make the drum head too slack.


The Cuica origionated in Africa, and then made its way to Brazil and the Caribbean via the slave trade. It has been suggested that the drum was origionally used in Africa to hunt A12921428; the noise of the drum may mimik the sound of a femal lions roar, and thereby attract predators


Samba is probably the most characteristic type of native Brazilian music. The origion of Samba can be traced back to the 17thcentury in the state of Bahia, where slaves captured in the African regions of Angola and Congo landed. Tribes from these areas brought with them their semba gatherings(also and the music spread with the slave trade throughout the country (much like the beginnings of Blues, in the United States)
By the end of the 19th century, the capital city, Rio de Janiero was Brazil’s major cultural center, where rhythms from diverse origins blended, (E.G., polka rhythms , the habanera). These, and many ohter rhythms blended with the traditional African semba gatherings - samba was born.

In a simular way to a duck call attracting ducks

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