A Conversation for The Campsite
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police Posted Jan 20, 2002
The party started off on Pitches 7 and 1½ but sort of spilled over and includes at least one 'new camper' Galen, who has pitched (???) his tent at the top of a tree (Pitch 675)
Back soon, sudden (RL) withdrawal symptoms,MUST!!! brew
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Evangeline Posted Jan 20, 2002
The campsite has grown.
Would you like some King Cake to go with that ?
Instead of coffeemakers my father used an old fashioned drip pot. He would boil water and drizzle it over the ground coffee. Then he would slowly heat it on the stove. That was really strong coffee. It would stain the cup.
I brought a percolater to work for a while because I worked in the kitchen at the time. The coffee maker was in the cafe' area. My brother(store owner) came to work early one morning. I offered him coffee. He came back at noon and asked me what did I give him since he was zipping right through his paperwork.
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police Posted Jan 20, 2002
Your brother sounds just like me when I KNOW I've got it 'just right' with a story or part thereof: I might forget to eat, sleep or carry out other basic functions, but my consumption of
off the
chart . . .
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Evangeline Posted Jan 20, 2002
When merchandise orders are due...and meetings with sales reps and accountants... my brother stalls everything else.
He is the only person I know who can stay awake drinking decaf coffee. He wasn't prepared for percolated. On the up side he got a lot done...
Dad taught me how to brew coffee as well as how to cook in cast iron.
It is Dad's younger brother who makes the seafood gumbo for the family Christmas Eve party.
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Jan 20, 2002
I'll have some King . Is there any custard to go with it?
I've been in concentration mode before. Me and a friend got a new computer game just before x-mas, and stayed up until 5.30 playing it. It was only when Mum came down because she was getting up (Dad commutes) that we realized just how exhausted we were!
Sometimes we really do have too much concentration for our own good.
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Evangeline Posted Jan 22, 2002
Would you like the traditional King Cake with cream cheese and strawberry filling? Or the newer chocolate filled? Or some of each? Custard? is that pudding or ice cream? There is both so help yourself.
The King Cake is a Mardi Gras tradition. Hidden inside is a plastic or ceramic baby. The person who finds the baby in their piece has to bring the next cake(or throw the next party). Mardi Gras is early this year so we are trying to squeeze in all the fun we can.
I have lost a lot of sleep over books that I could not put down: "Just one more chapter"....
What game was so interesting?( I ask like this website doesn't lead to enough insomnia).
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Evangeline Posted Jan 22, 2002
*picks up plate and cuts a large piece of the King
The is like a coffee cake only filled with chocolate pudding mixed with cream cheese. The purple, green, and gold glaze is the colors of Mardi Gras.
Here you go, I hope you like it.
I would like some please.
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police Posted Jan 22, 2002
*thinks he may have just posted on Strider's site by mistake*
Can I invite myself for some
Kingcake and maybe a
I have to w**k night shift
this week and sometimes it gets a bit lonely
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Evangeline Posted Jan 22, 2002
Come on in and relax, there are pillows to sit on. The floor on this side is padded too. Which kind of cake would you like?
* pours
Cream? Sugar?
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police Posted Jan 22, 2002
is best like
whisky [and, some would add, ] - served with *nothing* on . . .
Anything which keeps me alert during the quietest hours of the night -
is much appreciated!
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police Posted Jan 22, 2002
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Evangeline Posted Jan 22, 2002
Sounds interesting.
It is only 9:00pm here. My brother used to work nights all the time. He would grocery shop in the middle of the night. We are all night owls by nature.
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police Posted Jan 22, 2002
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Evangeline Posted Jan 22, 2002
*pours refills
*slices more King places the platter of slices (with assorted fillings) onto the low table that is just the right height to comfortably eat from while sitting on the huge pillows.
There was this guy who used to work with us...he would come to work with two liter thermoses (the good kind with glass liners)full of coffee. He would drink the first then start working. When he started on the second he would begin brewing coffee to refill the thermoses. He brought a coffeemaker to work...<---that is pretty much how he looked, only with long hair.
I felt bad bringing my campfire percolator to work. He had me beat. My favorite coffee is one that is packaged locally. Community brand(dark roast). Not too fond of the chicory blend though.
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Jan 22, 2002
The King tradition I have recieved is that they are baked for Epiphany, which is supposed to be when the Wise Men reached Jesus in Bethlehem, and is also the official end to the Christmas season. There would be one or more small figurines representing kings, and the person who found the king in their slice would be 'king for the day'.
When is Mardi Gras? You hear a lot about it, but not those kinf of things, like colours, etc. The only Mardi Gras that I know much about is the lesbian and gay festival that is held in London during the summer. Apparently there is a parade and a music festival which is seen as being the same sort of thing as Glastonbury, except without all the extra stuff.
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Jan 22, 2002
Key: Complain about this post
Evangeline Pitch 24 if there is room
- 81: Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police (Jan 20, 2002)
- 82: Evangeline (Jan 20, 2002)
- 83: Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police (Jan 20, 2002)
- 84: Evangeline (Jan 20, 2002)
- 85: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Jan 20, 2002)
- 86: Evangeline (Jan 22, 2002)
- 87: Evil Zombie Strider (Jan 22, 2002)
- 88: Evangeline (Jan 22, 2002)
- 89: Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police (Jan 22, 2002)
- 90: Evangeline (Jan 22, 2002)
- 91: Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police (Jan 22, 2002)
- 92: Evangeline (Jan 22, 2002)
- 93: Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police (Jan 22, 2002)
- 94: Evangeline (Jan 22, 2002)
- 95: Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police (Jan 22, 2002)
- 96: Evangeline (Jan 22, 2002)
- 97: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Jan 22, 2002)
- 98: Evil Zombie Strider (Jan 22, 2002)
- 99: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Jan 22, 2002)
- 100: Evil Zombie Strider (Jan 22, 2002)
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