A Conversation for The Campsite

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 61

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*wanders in and sees T's note* Ah! This must be the place!

*places a lovely ficus in a handpainted pot next to the door and waits for her hostess to appear*


Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 62

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - run

Just placed an order smiley - puff for pasta smiley - puff at a restaurant that I'm not sure smiley - puff has any service smiley - puff...Glad you could smiley - puff join us Gw7en!smiley - puff

*calms down*

...and the camp shop didn't seem to have much to offer yet either...

...I seem to remember a 24-7 store somewhere, would you happen to know where?

Oh... and that's a *really* nice pot, Gw7en, thanks!smiley - hug

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 63

stu...keeper of groovy 60 s style music

hey there my names stu and dancer told me there was a party goin on in this area any news wot time or will i get chance to cook tea first
now wheres that lighter fuel got too ... mmmmmmm

got to go burnin tea can you give me a knock on my tent when it starts please its that one on top of the hill


Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 64

Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police

I tried to change my Nickname because I thought paul mc was somewhat boring compared with what I see elsewhere in h2g2!
Unfortunately the sign-in page threw the baby out with the bathwater for a few minutes: hopefully it will now recognise Bagheera in future (I'm cuddly, really: just ask Dreamweaver when she gets here!)
Nice to know there's someone else to share the strumming of guitars with: it gives me the chance to put mine down and indulge in a beer BEFORE it goes flat - will someone please tell me HOW to 'import' these lovely smileys from other sites into my own posts?It's VERY frustrating not to be able to include pictures etc - especially for someone who finds it difficult to draw anything more complicasted than his next breath at the best of times!!

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 65

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Glad you like it, T. Happy wigwam warming! smiley - hug


Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 66

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi stu, nice to meet you!:) Top of the hill? Would that be this one?: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F45817?thread=151880&post=1483739#p1483739

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 67

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi Bagheera! By the way, that's a very name... Smileys? Just click on one - that'll take you to the smiley page! Do you need any help putting up a tent on your pitch? http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F45817?thread=151522

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 68

Titania (gone for lunch)

*sits down on grass, exhausted*

I guess I should stop worrying - I hope people will bring food and drink witht them.... *looking hopeful*

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 69

Fred Smith

Hi Titania, I've brought some and . Nice tipi, By the way in case you are interested the shop you were looking for is here http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A401239 .

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 70

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - donut and smiley - corncob - thanks Fred! And thanks for the URL as well!smiley - hug

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 71

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

* Enters *

See's donut, eats donut smiley - donut

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 72

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

::staggers into the field (I'm assuming there IS a field...smiley - erm), pulling a VW bug stuffed to the brim with smiley - stout, smiley - choc milk, smiley - bubbly, smiley - ale, and smiley - stiffdrink. Duck taped to the top of the bug are cases upon cases of smiley - donut, smiley - cake, smiley - hotdog, smiley - popcorn, and smiley - choc. Pulls the VW up to the wigwam and stops, panting::
*pant... pant.. wheeze*
QUICK!!! Somebody PLEASE put the parking brake on!! Or grab a rock or something and stick it behind the wheel. *pant... pant*
Actually, never mind!!!
::mutters mysteriously::
smiley - starsmiley - stara rock appears behind the back wheelsmiley - starsmiley - star
::sits heavily on the ground, still breathing heavily::
Whew!! Hello, everyone! smiley - biggrin Happy *puff* wigwam warming!! *puff .. puff*
I brought some refreshments... ::gestures toward the VW::
Help yourselves... Anyone who wants the car can have it too -- It doesn't run, but it works really well as a wagon.smiley - ok

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 73

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi Uncle Z!smiley - smiley Mind if I call you that? What you like some elderflower champagne to go with it?

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 74

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thog, you are an smiley - angel! smiley - smooch Thank you, thank you, thank you ever so much!smiley - smiley

*starts unloading VW and covering the camping table with food and drinks*

Let's see, we have...

smiley - stout, smiley - choc milk, smiley - bubbly, smiley - ale, smiley - stiffdrink


smiley - donut, smiley - corncob, smiley - cake, smiley - hotdog, smiley - popcorn and smiley - choc...

Wow!smiley - bigeyes

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 75

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

* Sips *

So, what do you think of our fine establishment ?

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 76

Titania (gone for lunch)

You have done a great job - good idea to get this place up and running again!smiley - ok

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 77

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

smiley - blush
::gets off the ground, snags a smiley - stout and some smiley - choc milk from the table. Sits back down, leaning against the VW, and lights a cigarette. Takes a swig off the smiley - stout, washes it down with chocolate milk, and observes the surroundings with interest.::
Nice place, Titania. Excellent location.smiley - ok

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 78

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks Thog - would you like something to eat?

And would anyone happen to have a spare camping table? I think we need more...

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 79

Fred Smith

Gets a smiley - stout. I've got a spare camping table, I'll just go get it.

Titania's wigwam (Pitch 3)

Post 80

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks Fred!smiley - smiley

Gw7en, what would you like?

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