A Conversation for Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 21

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Couple of suggested changes made, with another on the way for tomorrow... what does everyone think so far?

By the way, which one is it? Wolfenstien or Wolfenstein? I can never remember.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 22

Secretly Not Here Any More

It could really do with a conclusion to close the entry off.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 23

marvthegrate LtG KEA

It is wolfenstein.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 24

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

This is good but IMHO you really must mention "System Shock" and "Deus Ex". These were a bit more RPGish than your average FPS and thus merit a mention in their own right.

For the record I think Deus Ex had the best storyline of any FPS, I was genuinely on the edge of my seat about the plot twists.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 25

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I was going to do a paragraph on RPG-FPS (as the main focus is on straight-up FPS). System Shock was an ace game! Bloody scary in places!

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 26

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Deus Ex was a groundbreaking game from what I recall. I did not play it myself, but I know tha pcGamer gave it some of the highest reviews of any game they have ever reviewed. I haven't any details on the game myself however.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 27

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

There's a Deus Ex Edited Entry at A486209. And yes, it is brilliant.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 28

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I'm having real problems getting the paragraph on deathmatch and multiplayer out of my head and on the screen... mostly because I haven't had much experience of deathmatch since Doom. Help!

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 29

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

General dynamics? Stuff like respawning & standard victory conditions (i.e. frag count).

Other modes? Straight deathmatch, capture the flag, and more sophisticated team-based stuff like Team Fortress and Counterstrike.

Quake 3 & Unreal Tournament?

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 30

Jayne Austin

Nice! smiley - ok

I prefer puzzle games myself -- but I heard a great comment on the violence aspect on Comedy Central the other day:

"Of course you shouldn't let kids play these; but I'm a grown lady, and sometimes I need to shoot sh!t. And I think it's better that it happens in fantasy."

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 31

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I keep trying to finish this but have hit a major rut... I just cannot maintain a sufficient level of interest in the entry.smiley - sadface

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 32

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Well, you have an ideal excuse to play some games: 'I need to entice the Muse...'

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 33

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Nice entry, but a few pointers...

Firstly, there's a few dodgy bits of punctuation (and spelling and grammar as well, but I notice punctuation). I'll detail them in a later comment.

Secondly, could you link to the official websites for these games, especially the newer ones? Older ones may not have them (although I'll guarantee you find fan sites), but even a link to the companies (assuming they're still around, which I know most of them are) could be nice.

Thirdly, I'm very disappointed that TimeSplitters isn't mentioned in there. Mainly 'cos I'm a massive fan. I can provide some details for the three installments if you want. The original Splitters was really quite an important step (first FPS designed specially for PS2, put emphasis on speed and fluidity, and I think - though am not sure - the control system, regarding the dual analogue sticks - where one stick moves your body, the other moves your view - was invented for it, and has been copied in basically every console FPS since). TS2 and TS3 are also probably regarded as the greatest multiplayer FPS games on the PS2 as well.

Fourthly, maybe a bit more about the Half-Life incarnations? By which I mean the variations, such as Blue Shift, Opposing Force, Decay (released on the PS2 version, where you play through the events as two female scientists, either co-op with another player, or with the ability to switch between characters while the AI controls the one you're not using), and of course Counter Strike.

But otherwise, good entry!

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 34

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Oh, and as for a lack of interest...happened with me with my improvements for the FF entry (A3482769), but I got through it eventually.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 35

Not him

keep it up.

i nitpicked through the entry and apart from the unwritten paragraph there is only 1 fault i found which is a space just before the 17th footnote.

and i agree with the others about some of the other games: i've played a few, especially deus ex which is brilliant, its based on the glide system from unreal.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 36

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

It's all very well saying "you've missed this game and that game" but I'm not trying to provide an exhaustive list, otherwise the entry would be far too long!

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 37

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

In for a penny . . .

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 38

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

...in for a pound. Yep, there's a phrase I've heard a few times.

What I meant by the entry being far too long was I didn't want to do all that work only to be told that it should be shorter, which is why I'm sticking to the games which I consider to be the major players in the 'straight' (no roleplay, etc) FPS genre.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 39

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

If you find it to bee too long then you could cut it into two or three entries.

A3539090 - Computer Games - First-Person Shooters

Post 40

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Now there's an idea... Hmm...

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