Welcome . I'm sure you want to hear all about ME, so here goes.I've been on here a couple of years, but don't use it all that much and hence still don't know about many of the nuances of this site. Just to introduce myself

I love maths, quantum physics, reading, writing, playing computer games, talking on forums, watching films, satire and comedy (the last two are not particular types of films I like, just things I like). In no particular order. So I'm on here to see what I can add and see if I can find out about some more stuff I don't know about. And as you can see from below, I'm trying to help the guide's coverage of the Final Fantasy games. I may even do another entry at some point to give the impression that I'm not quite as narrow as I seem to be, and if you're really lucky I might finish one of the ones I've started (currently: Final Fantasy Update, Advance Wars games, Robert Rankin and his books, Triple Triad card game in FF VIII, individual FF entries...)
Because it seems common here: 7^1*5^(1^0)+7=42
Overcomplicated, I know, but merely 7*1*5*1+0+7 seemed a little dull...
And I am now a

And I am also a member of the H2G2 RPG club.
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
The h2g2 RPG Club | Apr 5, 2008 |
Gday! | Apr 2, 2007 |
A couple of things | Nov 21, 2006 |
Some interesting FF stuff... | Sep 6, 2005 |
I don't know Jack Schitt... | Apr 21, 2005 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."