A Conversation for East Midlands 3
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 24, 2005
Forgot to ask: B, are you bringing Odo too? And how many people think they're kipping at mine? I've lost track a bit
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Number Six Posted Jan 24, 2005
Might I be able to stake a claim for a spare bit of floor space? I was considering the B&B option but my car's up to its tricks again so I'm skint.
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 24, 2005
I reckon so 6. I've got more space than I thought because two people who should've been coming aren't now.
Rules for my house, I shall post them once, and only once:
The house is a tip. Deal with it.
We smoke. Deal with it
The dog is possibly bigger than you and almost certainly more stupid.
It only responds to 'fxck off'. We're not polite enough to teach it 'go away'.
Don't touch the armoury, unless you know how to use the object you're prodding.
Make lots of , and you will be loved.
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Mu Beta Posted Jan 24, 2005
Odo probably is coming. I'll sleep in the car if necessary.
Which, what with the snoring and farting, might be best for everyone.
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I'm not really here Posted Jan 25, 2005
This is probably a *very* rude question, but how much smoking is smoking? I only ask because when I stay with some other friends of mine who are very heavy smokers I get very ill with my asthma afterwards. But I can cope with pubs - as people have seen from meets. Are you more or less smoky than a pub?
Because I'd like to take up the offer of a bit of floor space if I may?
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 25, 2005
Nah, you're alright B. After all, you *were* one of the first people I offered floorspace to
Which reminds me, due to the afore mentioned dropping out, there is now one double mattress for all you lovely people to fight over....
Doesn't strike me as rude Mina
Err, the house *can* be smokier than a pub, yes. Not because we're particularly heavy smokers, but because the rooms are small- and there'll be at least 4 smokers, as I believe GD and agcBen are plannin' on staying.
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I'm not really here Posted Jan 26, 2005
Well, as it's only one night, I should be ok. It's long weekends that seem to do me in.
Can I bagsy the mattress?
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 26, 2005
If you let Odo share it with you, I should think so.
Cigars- got plenty of them. I keep some around the house for when Dad comes visiting.
Right, so that's what:
Master B
Number 6
I think I'll nip round my parents' house and borrow some airbeds... Bring sleeping bags guys, although we do have a couple.
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Wick Posted Jan 26, 2005
You can move me from the provisional to the definite list. I will come along with my partner.
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 26, 2005
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 26, 2005
Six, can I move you to the definites list? The provisionals list is getting nearly as long as the for-sures...
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Mu Beta Posted Jan 26, 2005
I wouldn't count your chickens; he hasn't made a Meet yet...
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 26, 2005
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 26, 2005
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Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jan 26, 2005
You forget Pirelli and Toyota are just up the road, there are a lot of business customers around. Granted they tend to stay in the bigger hotels, but still.
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- 41: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 24, 2005)
- 42: Number Six (Jan 24, 2005)
- 43: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 24, 2005)
- 44: Mu Beta (Jan 24, 2005)
- 45: I'm not really here (Jan 25, 2005)
- 46: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 25, 2005)
- 47: Mu Beta (Jan 25, 2005)
- 48: I'm not really here (Jan 26, 2005)
- 49: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jan 26, 2005)
- 50: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 26, 2005)
- 51: Wick (Jan 26, 2005)
- 52: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 26, 2005)
- 53: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 26, 2005)
- 54: Mu Beta (Jan 26, 2005)
- 55: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 26, 2005)
- 56: Mu Beta (Jan 26, 2005)
- 57: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jan 26, 2005)
- 58: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 26, 2005)
- 59: Mu Beta (Jan 26, 2005)
- 60: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jan 26, 2005)
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