The Dutch Meet 2004

1 Conversation


So off I went on a cold November morning to fly to Amsterdam's famous Schiphol airport. For those of you who don't know this delightful traveller's destination, it is huge. Massive. And that's just the runway. The plane lands somewhere near the coast and then taxies for about 10 minutes, crosses a motorway or two, while the passengers press their noses to the window and try to catch sight of the terminal.

Anyway... I landed safely, got my luggage with no mishaps, and followed Shazz's very precise instructions on how and where to catch the bus. On arrival at Alphen, I was met at the bus-stop by Shazz herself, and we walked to her house via the Oliebollen stall. These are local Christmas delicacies, a bit like donuts, and the smell of the batter cooking in the oil is just mouth watering. I couldn't decide between almond or ginger flavour, so took one of each.

Back at the house, Marijn arrived and we drank cups of tea and caught up on the gossip, while waiting for TowelMaster to finish one of his legendary 2 hour long baths. He does point out that it's in the best DNA tradition! Once he'd emerged, clean and sparkling, he and I headed off back to Schiphol to pick up Reddyfreddy and drop us to Avifauna, where we were staying.

Avifauna is a beautiful bird park with a great restaurant and accommodation attached. We enjoyed a couple of drinks at the bar, a delicious meal, and then headed out to Het Kasteel to meet the rest of the gang. Unfortunately, the estimated starting time of 10 pm for the band turned out to be their finishing time, so we didn't get to hear much music... but we did get to meet Max Head Room and his lovely zeehond1. They HAD managed to see the band, and gave this report:

'Meilof, a band, new drummer, nice vocals, loud. Most lyrics about heights of his love life, the sea, saying goodbye until tomorrow. Halfway through one of the songs the lead guitar/singer looses a wire for a short reconnection break. The drummer tries hard to keep the rhythm, all eight on the floor help clapping. The singer excuses for it also to both he doesn't know by name.'

A few beers were drunk and the party split into foreign visitors, who were suffering from jet lag, and locals who were aiming for a game of pool.

Lucky outside Leiden Town Hall - where weddings take place!


The view from Leiden Burcht - a spot of culture

A slightly misty Autumn day dawned and we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. ReddyFreddy was particularly taken by the orange-juicing machine which squished and squeezed before your very eyes! The troops gathered at Shazz and TowelMaster's place in preparation for an afternoon trip to Leiden - after TowelMaster had had his bath, of course, and Marijn had sorted out whatever disaster he had wreaked on the computer2.

So off we set across the famously flat Dutch landscape, dotted with windmills, learning a little about how they come in threes and can use their sail to display messages or signals. Leiden is a beautiful little town criss-crossed by many picturesque canals, the banks of which were lined with market stalls selling everything from cheese to jeans. Being the end of November, there were many 'Sinterklazen' and 'Zwarte Pieten3' running around as well.

We prepared ourselves for an assault on the fort with lunch in the little cafe at its foot, and then climbed the steps to admire the view across the higgeldy pigggeldy rooftops and church towers.

Back to Alphen for dinner, followed by a trip to Kwatro, a cafe in the centre of town, where the entertainment was being provided by Terry Teadreg's band, Superman's Big Sister followed by Shazz spinning the decks. We were joined by Kheldar, Arutha, ClownMCP and Max and there was a jolly crowd dancing and singing along to the classics being performed by the band. Then it was DJ Shazzer, who'd even managed to find some XTC to play for Freddy! Some of us went home early(ish), others partied on till the wee small hours...4

Shazz, Marijn, TM and Reddyfreddy plus beer


Freddy and I took a post-prandial stroll around the bird park, marvelling at the huge variety of species there, laughing at the ones that hip-hopped along their branch, keeping a safe distance from the 'birds that pick', and staring open mouthed at the throaty grunts from the emus. Or were they ostriches?

Time to head back to Schiphol - slight panic as we tried to locate the bus stop, but a very friendly bus driver gave us a lift to the correct stop and we were on our way. I left Freddy to sample some more Dutch beer while I caught my early afternoon flight back to Luxembourg in time for a poetry reading.

Very very many thanks to our wonderful hosts for organising and putting up with us! And Prettige Kerstdagen5 to all!

Photo's from Reddyfreddy

Photo's from Lucky Star


16.12.04 Front Page

Back Issue Page

Christmas Lights original artwork by Blue Bird
1Seal.2Actually shazz's computer is working rather well now thanks to Marijn smiley - ta3See this Post article for information.4Shazz and Max biked home at 6am5Happy Christmas.

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