A Conversation for The Student Union Bar

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 221

soeasilyamused, or sea

*slides ddgb a smiley - stiffdrink and smiles*

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 222

Fashion Cat

*looks at DD*


Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 223

Demon Drawer


Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 224

Fashion Cat

aw.... sorry hon.

*hugs DD*

I'll try and keep calm next time....

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 225

Demon Drawer

That's OK I might have to return the hate mail I've been snet then.

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 226

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

*throws smiley - stiffdrink in DDs face*

and THATs for EV.... smiley - sadface

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 227

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

That was for me? Why have you just thrown my drink in his face?
Ohhhh... I see. Sorry, it's a bit confusing in here tonight. smiley - smiley

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 228


*shifts awkwardly in seat*

I'm obviously not drinking enough for this to make sense...

Point me in the general direction of large amounts of alcohol smiley - tongueout

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 229

soeasilyamused, or sea

*waves a hand at rockhopper*
i'm the bartender, what can i get you? smiley - smiley

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 230



Gargleblaster by IV! And keep 'em coming!

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 231

soeasilyamused, or sea

*slides rockhopper his gargle blaster and prepares his next ones for him*

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 232


*slurring slightly*

Ta very mutsch!

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 233


Hi sea... can I have a smiley - stiffdrink of tiamaria & cola please...smiley - smiley


Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 234


*loses footing on bar stool and falls backwards*

Who put that floor there? What am I doing here? How do I get back to the bar?

*tries to get up but legs don't work*

Maybe I'll stay here for a while and admire the view.

Sea... any chance of passing my drinks down to me? Or have you got a very long straw?

Looking for Smooth Talking Student Barman

Post 235

soeasilyamused, or sea

*slides joanna a smiley - stiffdrink and passes rockhopper's drinks down to him, along with a bendy straw just in case*


Post 236

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K wanders into the bar looking downtrodden from a hard day... *

* Huff... *

A double whiskey, shot of bourbon, washed down with a shot of scotc... gin smiley - sadface

* He decides against scotch solely on the grounds that 'she' is Scottish... smiley - sadface *

Woe Be Tied Me... smiley - sadface

* He looks up at the others milling about... *

Women Hey !!! Can't live with them... well, that's about it really... smiley - sadface

* The others turn away... *

Yes, even I don't find myself good company today...

* momentarily ponders about 'her' company ... *

... which is another reason to be depressed smiley - sadface



Post 237


*since sea doesn't seem to be here for the moment, goes behind bar & pours MK his smiley - empty*


Post 238

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Something wrong, MK?


Post 239

Matthew Kershaw

WOMEN !!! or more precisely A woman... smiley - winkeye



Post 240

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*Consoles MK and asks for two |_| of brandy*

What did she do?

Key: Complain about this post