A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - Latin Department

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 61


A gladis is one kind of sword. Other kinds include the 'sternum' and 'ferrum', and no, I have very little idea of what the difference is. Just that when you talked of putting something to fire and the sword, you'd say 'flama et ferrum'. Cicero said it a lot.

But, that being said, gladis is where 'gladiator' comes from. More or less literally, 'one who uses a gladis.' (Gladis, -is, 3rd declension masculine. You guys wanna learn 3rd declension? - No! Must start tutorial! I swear I'll do that today.)

What quiz show was it on? I'm a *huge* quiz show fan. Don't have tv, but listen to them all on the radio religiously.

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 62


Guess what, guys? Yes, that's right... I've finally started the tutorials!!! Check out A4103010 for the main page. I've got about six words up so far on Conversational Latin - anything else that you want to know how to say, or that you want to say in conversation and can't... just let me know, and I'll add that, in addition to other stuff that I find when I get a response back from the smart Latin people that I asked about stuff and when I actually reread Latin for All Occasions.

Anyway, there it is! (And there was much rejoicing.)

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 63

Kat - From H2G2


EMR you are marvellous sometimes smiley - smooch

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 64


Awwww... thankssmiley - blush

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 65


Gratias O magistra for the wonderful tutorials. Now I most say Vale (I hope that's right) for I must go to bed. I may not be learning Latin at school but I do have a French Exam tomorrow. smiley - erm

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 66


Vale ad te! Goodbye to you!

Good luck with the French. I've got to start that next year.smiley - cool

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 67

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

smiley - goodluck you two, I am taking ap french next year and I swear I don't remember a word!

Wow, must print out tutorial to carry around in my purse smiley - biggrin

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 68


Ave Magistra! Salve fellow learners!

Well, there's an obvious q: what's "learner" or "pupil"?

Quod agitis?- how are you?

Gracias, O Magistra- the tutorial's coming on wellsmiley - oksmiley - cheerup
I got the fact from Come and Have a Go, the BBC Lottery show! Sad, I know, it's not a v.good quiz showsmiley - laughI was just avoiding revision.
Speaking of which, I already do French- MadAthena, we would be ecstatic to see you in the speaking threadsmiley - smiley and when the other start learning, plz come and join the French Department!
Well, i had to plug it, didn't I?smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

"Caput Draconis"- here's another mock latin phrase, but I have no idea what it means. Draco is dragon though, right?

Vale!smiley - run

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 69


This is my third year of learning French, but I'm not very good at all. Maybe the Language Thing will help my french more than three extremely boring lessons a week.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 70


Yes! Plz come and joinsmiley - ok There's always translations if you get stuck. We've been trying to liven up the conversation lately, lolsmiley - smiley


Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 71


Learner/pupil is discipulus or discipula, depending on your gender.

When I took my Latin classes in school, the teacher used to come in and the following dialogue would ensue:

Teacher: Salve discipuli et discipulae! (Hello pupils!)

Pupils (in unison): Salve magistra! (Hello teacher!)

Teacher: Quod agitis hodie? (How are you today?)

Pupils: Bene, et tu? (Well, and you?)

Teacher: Bene gratias. (Well, thank you.)

Then we would start class.

Caput draconis means 'Head of the dragon.'

Maybe I'll come down to those French threads soon... I've got to take my first year over the summer so I can catch up to my classmates in second year in the fall. What fun!

Glad you're enjoying the tutorials. I think I'll expand on conversational and do nouns over the weekend.

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 72



I may go and have a look at the French department.

How would you say 'My name is....' in Latin?

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 73


Ave Magistra!Salve madAthena et disciplinaesmiley - biggrin

Gratias!smiley - ok

woo! I'm going to the French department nowsmiley - run

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 74


Mihi nomen est...

My name is...

I think I'll add that to the tutorial. Thanks for suggesting it! smiley - ok

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 75


Mihi nomen est Vamstersmiley - ok

I spelled pupils wrong, didn't I? That's what you get from trying to memorise itsmiley - laugh


Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 76


Mihi nomen est MadAthena.

Now I must go and have a look at the French department before I forget again.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 77


Salve discipuli et discipulae! I've got the first part of the next tutorial up. It's at A4132289 and it's called 'Latin Nouns'. I've yet to write the bits for third, fourth and fifth declensions, but I got bored typing out declensions and vocabulary and so I thought I'd give you what I have so far. You can also go to the main tutorial page at A4103010 to keep up with all the fun updates.smiley - smiley

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 78

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

smiley - applause

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 79


Gratias magistra for another wonderful tutorial. Can you suggest a good way of learning latin vocab?

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 80


Right, so nominative = sunject; genetive= possessives; accusative= indirect object;ablative= prepositions. Did that from memory *goes to check*smiley - run

Wrong, wrong wrong.smiley - laughsmiley - blush

nominative= sunject; genetive = possessives; accusative=direct object; dative=indirect object; ablative = prepositions.

Not so bad, just missed one out. Gratias, Magistra, that's helped a lot!smiley - ok


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