A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - Latin Department

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 41


Hee hee, you may have a point there, o fellow learner!

You're right, this is going very fast,smiley - ermsmiley - laugh, when i get a chance I'll print everythin out and learn it. That's not gonna hapen any time soon, i have exams coming up (although this is far more interestin!). A tutorial would help me, so we're all well behind you, O Magistra!

I'll do laudare for now, for continuity:


Hee! did some of that without looking, lol
Let's try...debere, seein as I got that wrong last time.
I- debebo


Like I said, this is goin v.fast indeed, so if we do move on to nouns, can we keep them to a minimum, so we can do sentences and practice vbs?smiley - cheerupI haven't much time, reallysmiley - laugh

Where's the newbie?join us!smiley - bubblysmiley - teasmiley - biggrin

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 42


Great, vamster!smiley - ok

I'll start working on those tutorials over the weekend ... that's the only point when I've got time. I'm actually putting off (perhaps indefinitely) my own Latin homework to post here.smiley - biggrin

Welcome, Athena! I see you're all signed up and everything! I can't drink the champagne (underage) but you can have some if you want. Though smiley - tea would be more my line. Or, of course, smiley - choc.

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 43


Choccy yes, tea no. I hate it. I think I almost understand what you lot have already gone over. A nice simple version I could print out and take on my school trip with me (7 hour coach trip there - I'm not sure if I'll be able to survive) would be very nice.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 44


Actually, I'm underage too, and I don't like tea, lol. No offence to Arthur or DNA of coursesmiley - biggrinsmiley - teasmiley - ermsmiley - laugh

Looking forward to the tutorial, O Magistra!

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 45

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Agrees with Vamster about everything save the tea. Likes smiley - tea, yum.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 46


Am going to France for a week - back on Saturday, or Samedi, or whatever it's meant to be

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 47

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Heh, as we Thingites say, doobry or don'tbry. smiley - cool

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 48


Hee, you're a Thingite! i've heard of you, but have not yet had a chance to investigate!

Where is the Magistra? I hope she's writing the entry, else I'm gonna forget evrything!smiley - ermsmiley - smiley

In the meantime, seeing as we don't like smiley - tea (I don't either, it's just pple normally dosmiley - biggrin) how about somesmiley - bubbly?

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 49


and have fun in France, MadAthena!smiley - cool

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 50


Yeah, I'm here... trying to go do my homework (including my Latin!) but it's so much more fascinating to be here.

I *will* write the tutorials... I promise!

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 51

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

We shall hold you to that, magistra! smiley - cheerup

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 52


Indeed!smiley - smiley

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 53


smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinThanks. Could you teach me the basics of latin such as greetings, please thank yous, sorry. Just an basic thing you lern first when learning a language. Thank you.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 54


Salve! Hello! (plural = salvete)

Vale! Goodbye! (plural = valete)

Ave! Hail! - used in greeting superiors (plural = avete)

Gratias. Thank you. (no plural)

Place. Please. (plural = placete)

I don't know the word for 'sorry' - presumably there was one, but I've never come across it.smiley - erm

I need to tell you that if you are interested in becoming a regular member of this department, you need to join the Language Thing at A1145477. Just sign up in the relevant box, saying you want to learn Latin.

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 55

Kat - From H2G2

And you need to make sure you actually take part in what you've signed up for...just noticing that you're signed up for other departments but aren't saying anything in them smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

Yeah I'm keeping a beady eye on all of you...remember that!

Oh and well done EMR for...stuff.

Your loving and perfect boss Kat

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 56


Avete Kat et Magistra!

Are you doing the tutorial entry? Btw, Clampy's right about learning these little phrases first, but I don't think "conversational latin" is extremely useful, is it? (except here, lol)
So, just add "ete" for the pl?

Valete!smiley - biggrin

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 57


When you have an imperative (which is what vale and salve are) 'ete' is the plural, as a rule. Greetings always work like this; I don't really know why.

I'll start on the tutorial thing this weekend, promise. The first one will be 'conversational Latin'. You never know when you might need to visit Vatican City.smiley - smiley

smiley - dragon

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 58


I don't know why I didn't think of that myself!smiley - sillysmiley - laugh

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 59


Hello, I'm back!

I have actually been to the Vatican, but I didn't speak any Latin or even Italian, mostly becuase I can't.

Language Thing - Latin Beginners' Thread

Post 60


Ooo, did you see anything interesting? Latin related, of coursesmiley - winkeye

Ok, in the interests of keeping up the conversation, i now know that "Gladiator" comes from the latin for sword, which is...er...gladis i think.smiley - erm Got it from a quiz showsmiley - blushsmiley - laugh

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